

日期:2018年02月21日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1594
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201703021904373661 论文字数:2000 所属栏目:帮写留学生作业
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:本科课程论文 BA Termpaper

The benefits aggregation services like Google News gain is that the information they put on the site have additional content and provides a broader view of the topic, industry and subject matter. That is what appeals to the readers, as they can skim through the important news they want to read and don't need to go through the unimportant news like in newspapers or TV. Online news aggregation services like Google News are changing the way news is being advertised to people. Since the creation of Google News, it has become one of the best innovations for the company in terms of subscriptions to their feeds and revenues they generate through readers. What Google does best is that it gathers interesting things and presents them in new ways to appeal to the vast audiences.

Effects on the newspaper industry 对报业的影响
During the past decade, the Internet has become an important news source for most Americans. According to a study conducted by the Pew Internet and American Life Project, as of January 2010, nearly 61 percent of Americans got at least some of their news online in a typical day. (Isbell, 2010). This statistic shows us that there is a lot of reliance on the internet for news. People have forgone the traditional practices of getting their news through newspapers, magazines and TV. Thus, there is a decline in the traditional media these days.

News Corporations Rupert Murdoch and Associate Press Chairman Dean Singleton have reasoning to believe that the major cause of the decline in the traditional media is due to the rise of the news aggregators. According to this theory, news aggregators from Google News to The Huffington Post are free-riding, reselling and profiting from the factual information gathered by traditional media organizations at great cost. (Isbell, 2010). Aggregation services threaten the print media because they are emerging as the new front page which people skim through every morning for headlines instead of going to any single newspaper site. (Schonfeld, 2009).

The other reasoning behind low print media numbers is that companies have started to advertise more on the sites as they cost much less as compared to advertising on the newspapers. The problem with newspapers these days is that there are about 20% top headline stories and the rest of the 80% is usually not relevant or uninteresting to the reader. Aggregation sites create loads and loads of important headlines from all over thus captivating the audience. The value not only comes from skimming through the website material but clicking the links to the various headlines creates value. Of course newspapers are failing because you surely cannot capture the reader's attention with only 20% news and the other 80% being irrelevant. Aggregation services use automated logarithms to get really good content, and thus it's not only the front pages that captures the audience attention but the other pages are as interesting as the first one.

Basically newspapers cater to the needs of a higher class of people who earn higher than average income whereas aggregation services like Google News cater to every age group as anyone can access the news from anywhere with no fear of purchasing any material on the web they read. Plus, the cost of paper, ink, postage, and physical distribution will never be a contender in a world of electronic communication. Therefore, newspapers are now creating websites for their readers and advertisers. The classified sections on the newspaper are being threatened because sites like Craigslist are seeking a share of the classified market. This shows that the task is becoming more difficult as newspapers try to serve a diverse audience of readers.

Aggregation services are fast in staying up to date in their industries, track competitors, monitor i