

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:4994
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201309031650038513 论文字数:1700 所属栏目:帮写留学生作业
论文地区:美国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士课程论文 Master Assignment
tell what your interesting idea is. Develop a rationale for each proposition or idea. Why did you choose to write this paper on this specific issue?

4. Link your point to the theory.

5. Define your variables, and present your hypotheses clearly. 

In sum:

In this section, topic of research should be introduced. It gives the reader a background in the area based on the previous literature. It includes operational definition of variables, the purpose(s), and the specific hypothesis (es) under investigation.


Method section should include a general information about how you conduct the study (participants, design, procedure, and material). Describe in your paper all the details necessary for complete replication of your methods. It is divided into 3 sections:

In the Participants section, describe your population (age, sex, education or other demographics), and the number of subjects tested (how many of each gender?). Indicate whether or not participation was voluntary and describe the selection procedure briefly (random or convenience sample etc.). Were data from some subjects eliminated and if so, why?

What is your design?

Materials section is optional. Briefly describe any materials, or apparatus used in the study. 

In the Procedure section, describe how the study was conducted. How, when and where? Describe in your paper all the details necessary for complete replication of your methods.



Includes a copy of your survey. It does not have page number/short title. 

The papers should be typed (no hand-written papers). These papers should be no longer than 15 pages (double-spaced, using 12-point font, and 1-inch margins). The introduction should contain at least 10 core references to the most important research papers relevant to the issue you propose to investigate. Needless to say, you should read and thoroughly understand these papers in order to write a good literature review and propose a worthwhile experiment. Writing this paper or finding an idea for it may be difficult. Therefore, I will meet with each student during my office hours to give you some direction and advice. Absolutely no late papers will be accepted without a written medical excuse. 


Use white letter size paper. In your paper, you should include page number and short title in each page. Check your margin widths, spacing, citation style within text, and section headings. No quotations! Try to write as briefly and readable as possible. 

Be clear, brief, and precise. 
Organize the paper logically [use rigid parallelism]. 
Ensure that the paper is logical, with no obvious leaps. 
Check spelling and grammar. 
Eliminate redundancy. 
Proofread the paper before submission. 

Final Paper Scoring Rubric:
_____ Abstract (2 points)

_____ Goals and objectives (2 points)
_____ Background reasoning, Theoretical framework (10 points)
_____ Research questions and hypotheses (2 points)
_____Description of the IVs and the DVs (2 points)