Driven by feminists and linguists, the English language environment has changed a lot, especially the written language.
All levels of English society have taken positive measures to neutralize the language with obvious traces of gender discrimination. Some publishers have deliberately written and published guidelines for the use of gender-specific languages, introducing guidelines and practices for avoiding gender-specific languages. Writers, journalists, editors and contributors have also tried to avoid revealing words that might irritate women today. In 1974, the New York times, one of the largest newspapers in the United States, published a special treatise on the equal treatment of gender words, detailing which words should and which should not be spoken. In 1982, the national association of English journalists published the non-sexist language rule, a book that inspired people to avoid masculine language. In 1984, the association of faculty and staff of the university of Australia issued a pamphlet to each member to encourage the use of gender-neutral language in the university. Other international educational journals also publish papers on gender-free language teaching. Rosalie Maggio's dictionary of unbiased usage came out in 1991 as a guide to non-discriminatory language usage.
Compared with English, the study of Chinese is just at the beginning, and the inequality in many languages has not attracted wide attention. Therefore, in order to realize the equality of Chinese language, effective measures should be taken to eliminate language discrimination. Some practices of English are worth our reference. First of all, gender markers for women should be removed in terms of occupations and some terms of address. For example, in the release of the list of delegates, signature, and so on, it is not necessary to specify its female identity. Secondly, we should take the same measures as English for the same problem of male pronoun generalization. Use "he" sparingly when there is no clear gender. In general, the singular USES him/her and the plural USES "they/them". Thirdly, we should try to avoid using derogatory terms to refer to women. For example, men should not frequently call their wives "gossips, cooks, cooks" and so on.
Language reflects reality. The phenomenon of ignoring and discriminating against women in language is the realistic reflection of people's outdated ideology. On the other hand, the abundant existence and repeated occurrence of these language phenomena that favor boys over girls and men over women further affects people's ideological consciousness, deepens and strengthens all the original fixed ideas in people's subconscious and hinders people from correctly recognizing reality. Traditional and backward language forms may hinder social and political development and pro