
cross culture美国教育学作业:印度女人的不平等待遇

日期:2018年01月28日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1344
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201708282150269837 论文字数:1040 所属栏目:essay写作
论文地区:美国 论文语种:English 论文用途:大学作业 BA essay
Q 1 what are some of the chief tensions regarding culture and gender that are highlighted in the film?问题1:电影中强调的文化和性别的主要矛盾是什么?

In this film, the chief tension lies in what kind of life road a girl or we say a woman, should choose. At school, the Indian students are treated in a feudatorial way, which most Indian people can accept it. They are not allowed to go to bars, to fight for their own dreams and some even got an assault when going out. But with time passing by and the times going forward, some of the Indian women who are having an open concept, begin to take part in the beauty contest. They want to show the beauty of female but it is not accepted by traditional Indian people, and they think that being a woman one should be traditional and conservative. So there are demonstrations and protests against the women who are doing something opposite to the Indian traditions. In the film, the tension lies in culture and gender. In the eyes of traditional Indians, happiness for women means having a husband who loves you and cares about you, and the main duty of a girl is to get married and produce a baby, then they three members can build a happy and warm family together. They thought that it is a perfect road of life, not only she and her husband, but also her parents and relatives would be satisfied to see so. Children are told so ever since they were little girl and teachers in school teach them about this, too. In the Indian culture, women are born to do so and the female has a low social status. They neglect and ignore female for a long time. But male and female are born equally and there lies no difference. Women are treated unequally. But the truth is that women are supposed to be treated like men. The film showed us what the women have done to strive for equal treatment and what difficulties they are faced. The discrimination to women is not reasonable. 

Q 2 how does this film connect to the readings for this week of the course in particular and /or this class in general?
The class we took is about gender.  In the film, a complex and conflicting environment for the young Indian girls is settled. There are two kinds of training camp for them: Ruhi Singh and Prachi Trivedi. The former makes the girl become traditional and fair lady while the latter is a militant Hindu nationalist with Durga Vahini. Female question in Indian is not an easy one; gender problem has always companied with them. The feminists are striving for equal treatment for the whole Indian women. According to the film, women in Indian are suffering mainly two kinds of treatment; neither of them is decided by their own. In the eyes of feminists, women are not born to be a tool and men have no right to treat women free willingly. Women are supposed to stand up, unite together and fight for their own freedom and rights. Since Indian women are suffering an unfair treatment for a quite long time, it is high time that they female stood together and made a difference. Women are born to create beauty, and they have given the right to follow their inner hearts and make their own choices rather than decided and stopped by the other people. Unfair treatment such as forbidding beauty contests and not allowing going to night bars must be canceled. Women are supposed to be treated equally as men. You can not define women as the weak just because they are women. The fact is that in some certain areas women can achieve much more than men. The film tells that women are protesting, they are fighting for their own