

日期:2018年03月23日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1878
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201611101053479648 论文字数:2131 所属栏目:essay写作
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:代写essay essay
y. The improvement made to the jet aircraft in 1950s led to the development of longer-range aircraft in the 1980s has decreased the cost of travelling and travelling time [x] (Leyshon, 1995). At the international level, the number of tourist arrivals has increased from 25.3 million in 1950s to 765.1million in 2004 [xi] (World Tourism Organization, 2006). This shows an elevation in the rate of tourism since globalisation. The increase was also aided by the advancement of the media as developing countries can promote tourism based on their natural beauty or heritage via various media tools, and to move away from being dependent on primary commodities that are susceptible to change [xii] (Cater, 1995). Economic benefits include increasing job opportunities and investments causing direct, indirect and induced effects. Direct results are tourists' spending on food and hotels and as a result, indirectly create employment and investments along the way. Induced effects occur from the expenditure of money in local economy in which money was generated from direct and indirect sources [xiii] (Cater, 1995).

In 1991, approximately 870,000 jobs created from the tourism sector in Thailand [xiv] (Chudintra, 1993). This alone shows the magnitude of tourism can have in a country. The increase in employment will eventually cause income and the purchasing power parity of individuals to rise. As such, the standard of living of the people improves and this helps to alleviate the level of poverty as more people are able to meet the basic level of needs. There is a rapid growth in the International Tourism Expenditure from US$269,247 in 1990 to US$525,079 in 2005 [xv] (World Tourism Organization, 2004). The increase in tourist expenditure will also boost the economy. Take the case of Thailand, tourism has been the country's biggest foreign currency earner since 1982. From 1989 to 1990, around 50 percent of the share in the Thailand's service sector was occupied by tourism, contributing an average of 5.45 percent to the Gross National Product (Chudintra, 1993). This shows the importance of tourism in the country. Therefore, the positive economic impact will improve the level of poverty. So far we have only see how globalisation can have a positive impact on the economic aspect. This is traditionally the focus when its impacts are being analysed. However, we need to look at a bigger picture of the impact of globalisation. Thus, the next paragraph will look beyond the economic and analyse on the social aspect as well.

对医疗卫生产生的积极影响——Positive impact on health care:

With the aid of globalisation, the media has evolved tremendously and this plays an important part in promoting healthcare which alleviates poverty especially in under-developing countries. Celebrity activists have made use of the media to garner support from the public and urge them to support various campaigns and issues such as famine and HIV/AIDS (Kuehn, 2008). It can be through concerts such as Live 8 or buying products with proceeds going to the charity organisation such as Product (RED) to aid these countries to counter epidemics and long term diseases [xvi] (Kuehn, 2008). So far, (RED) grants proceed to HIV/AIDS programs in the third world such as Swaziland and Ghana. Activities carried out from these programs varries, in which, about 4.8 million people received HIV testing and counselling. To date, this benefits more than five million people and (RED) associates and events have contribu