

日期:2018年08月29日 编辑:ad200901081555315985 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1689
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论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:MBA 课程论文 MBA Essay
Importance Of Trade Union In Modern Workplace 


Often we read in newspapers, group of workers of a factory going on strike or coming together in want of some common motive. These groups of people are known as trade unions. Trade Unions are group of workers of an organization or a factory that raises their voice together so that their needs can better be represented in front of the authorities. They have a common goal or aim.

In this era, where everyone realizes the importance of workers, trade unions have a very important role to play. Originating in Europe, trade unions became very popular in countries during the Industrial Revolution, when the lack of skilled workers shifted employment bargaining power almost completely to the employers, causing many workers to be mistreated and underpaid. Trade union organizations may be composed of individual workers or professionals. The most common purpose of these organizations is to maintain or improve the conditions of their employment. Over the past 300 years, trade unions have developed into a number of forms, influenced by different political objectives. 
Trade Unions prove beneficial for workers, as the main aim of forming this group is to prevent the workers from being exploited by the senior officials. For example, if a worker is unhappy with the pay he is getting he can talk to his co-workers and collectively they can raise their voice to get the pay they deserve. Trade union is even helpful for the management of the firm, as they can know the needs of the worker which helps them know workers better and provide them an environment where they are able to work efficiently and help them to maintain good standards.
Decisions are taken through the collective bargaining process and negotiations between employer and unions. The relationship between trade union and employer is called as industrial relations.
In general terms, trade unions satisfy their needs through negotiations peacefully, but sometimes other tough actions need to be taken by the unions. These actions can be in the form of strikes, work to rule, go slow, picketing, overtime ban, etc. In Strikes, workers mutually decide not to come for work. In work to rule, workers tend to be overly critical; criticize on minor details. In Go Slow, workers work with slow pace so as to slower production speed. In picketing, workers demonstrate through slogans and banners. In overtime, the workers refuse to work and then the company is unable to meet the demand. All the employers try to avoid such situations, as such situations lead to loss and even closing down of the company.
In United Kingdom, in order to rescue employers from industrial acts and employees from being exploited, government has created ACAS. ACAS stands for Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service. When union and employers continue to dispute they can go to ACAS to resolve the matter. It is an independent body financed by government. It gives unbiased advises.
There are major four types of trade unions:
1). Crafts of Skill Unions: This union consists of all those workers possessing same type of skills.
2). Industrial Unions: This union represents workers of the same industry.
3). General Unions: This union is formed by collection of workers from different industries and having different skills.
4). White Collar Unions: This union represents all the office workers at higher posts.
The structure refers to how the trade unions are organized. They can be organized on the basis of crafts union, industrial unions or general unions.
The other method to organize trade unions can be the way plant level, local level, regional le