

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1168
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201011051606045800 论文字数:5425 所属栏目:essay写作
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:职称论文 Thesis for Title
<P><FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" face=宋体>Doing your Dissertation</FONT></P> <P><FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" face=宋体>A practical guide to conceiving, planning and executing your dissertation:Role of the SupervisorThe initiative for requesting supervisions lies entirely with you, the student. Thesupervisor's role is to give advice and help about the nature and standard of the work,and direct you to useful literature and appropriate methodology. But remember, theultimate responsibility remains yours. Do NOT expect your supervisor to read draft andre-draft of every little piece of your work, and above all, do NOT embarrass yoursupervisor in the latter stages by asking whether you will be successful. Whensubmitted, the thesis is referred to internal and external examiners who will make anindependent judgment of your work in its entirety.Working with your SupervisorIt is a good idea to find out how your supervisor likes to work. Try at all costs to avoidrambling supervisions with vague discussions; both of you need to use timeeconomically. Having thought of an idea and roughly defined it, your next step willprobably be to prepare a draft outline for your potential supervisor to read before thenext meeting, remember that every time you give your supervisor something to read,s/he will need a few days to read it. After the first consultation, supervisions shouldalmost always be based on something written by you, so that the supervisor can giveyou feedback on your ideas and proposed methods. The initiative should be taken byyou rather than your supervisor.Do bear in mind that the staff have many diverse claims to their time, and that thisstate of affairs continues throughout the summer. Contrary to popular belief, universitystaff are fully occupied with clinics, research, lecture preparation, administrative workand writing commitments all the year round, and therefore if you wish to see yoursupervisor, you should make an appointment. Agree methods of getting in contact withyour own supervisor: email is usually the best way. Your supervisor will almostcertainly be supervising a variety of other projects; therefore, you should not assumethat s/he can immediately recall the last discussion you had together about yours.Appended to this document is a supervision record sheet, which you can copy and fill inas a record of each supervision session. We suggest that students be entitled to 6 to 8supervisions each (totaling about 4 to 6 hours), including 3 sessions for statisticaladvice. This is fewer than you think, so be sparing with your supervisor's time andmake each one as profitable as you can. At the very least, you should consult yoursupervisor before <A href=""></A>data collection and before submission of your dissertation,giving sufficient time for feedback comment.Supervisions always need to be prearranged. In particular, if your thesis stretches intothe next academic year, your supervisor will be extremely busy. You should, in anycase, never expect on-the-spot supervisions.Page 2Writing for your SupervisorSupervisors cannot judge how your work is going if you just hand over a sub-sectionthat you have written up. You need to have a draft of your contents so that it is quiteclear what follows on from what. You may also need to add a note to show if and howthe section in question is incomplete.Your supervisor will probably not wish, nor have the time, to read all your thesis as youprepare it.</FONT></P> <P><FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" face=宋体> It would be a good idea, therefore, to discuss this and establish whichsections s/he wishes to see. Examiners, however, read all of it! Also, supervisors arenot to be expected to proof read or to correct spelling/grammar. Students are advisedto buy-in or otherwise arrange such services if needed.Even if your supervisor reads your entire thesis and you