论文用途:职称论文 Thesis for Title
<P><FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" face=宋体>1.1 Introduction<BR>This research mainly focuses on the function of management accounting upon the strategic management of a business organization. As is known to all, management accounting is usually considered to be an activity that is interwoven in the overall management processes of all business organizations. So, strategy is the key concept in understanding the essence of management accounting in that it plays an important role for the practical guidance of the overall organizational management. Management Accounting refers particularly to that part of the management process that is specifically focused on adding value to business organizations by attaining the effective and fruitful use of the business resources by people. Such a process is usually conducted in dynamic and competitive market contexts. It usually involves distinctive technologies that require special modes of thought and practice.</FONT></P> <P><FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" face=宋体>Thus, management accounting is an integral part of the overall business management process. It distinctly adds value by probing continuously whether resources are effectively and fruitfully used by business people and business organizations. As a result, management accounting is a business process that creates value for all the people involved in business activities, including business owners, customers and the shareholders. </FONT></P> <P><FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" face=宋体>In the light of management accounting, business resources not only include financial ones, but also include all other resources that have been created and used by organizations. They usually involve information and knowledge, staff training and education, measures to maintain work processes and systems, technical innovation, innovative capacities, the construction of business cultures, etc. </FONT></P> <P><FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" face=宋体>The field of organizational activity influenced and participated by management is the result of an evolution that involves four recognizable stages which are respectively cost determination and financial control, informative management planning and controlling, the reduction of resource waste in managerial processes and creation of value through effective and fruitful use of resources.</FONT></P> <P><FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" face=宋体>Whatever the four processes mentioned above, the concrete analysis methods, processes and attained deductions are regarded as the core content of management accounting. So, the measures taken by business organizations in strengthening budget management is the important methodology to improve the financial management in any business organizations. Under such a guidance, a business organization should attach much importance to the overall budget management and take it as a priority in overall financial management. For example, to avoid resource waste, strengthening the interior supervision is necessary to improve the financial management of a business management. The principle of management accounting requires that the financial practitioners ought to be familiar with the processes of the strategic management of business organizations in order to provide financial basis for setting up control target, identifying the control points and ascertaining the controlling measures. Among all the management accounting concepts, cost management is the core. It is the key concept of improving the financial management of a business organization. It is an activity which is not only conducive to the controlling the management expenses but also to the reduction of the resource waste. </FONT></P> <P><FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" face=宋体>Since management accounting is closely related to the management process