

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1168
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201011051606045800 论文字数:5425 所属栏目:essay写作
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:职称论文 Thesis for Title
make the suggested changes,this is no guarantee that it is of a pass standard; after all, the work is yours and itsquality is dependent on your output.Planning AheadWhen you are planning your schedule, please do remember that your own time andapplication is only one of the determining factors. You need to take into account yoursupervisor's time as well as your own when you are estimating overall time needed.Data collection always takes longer than you expect, as does e.g., the writing of aliterature review, and even the completion of your reference list, so preferably be onthe safe side and double your first estimate.There will be periods when your supervisor is not available, either because s/he isheavily committed with other duties such as examining, or on leave for work or holidayreasons. Do make sure that you and your supervisor are aware of each other's periodsof absence.Part-time students need to be sure that they have time off for supervisor meetings andfor data analysis. </FONT></P> <P><FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" face=宋体>Part-time students may also find email attachments an efficient wayof sending information to their supervisors.Again, considering your own holiday plans, you are advised not to have more than twoweek's holiday. If you are collecting data, and you intend to take a break before youfinish, this must be discussed with your supervisor.Up to three of your meetings with your supervisor and/or research methods lecturermay need to be for statistical advice and planning: at the design stage, at the resultsstage, and perhaps to discuss any computer output and its interpretation.With regard to use of statistics packages, students may wish to seek help from theFaculty of Education Computer Unit. Technical support is there to help with this, butplease note the support from computational assistants will be subject to availability.Students will need to make an appointment when they first need to use the equipment,or if they think they need more than brief or intermittent assistance.Some students have, in the past, expected very considerable amounts of time forstatistical help. This is not possible, and the arrangements above should be adequatefor M.Sc. theses.Page 3Data CollectionYou will, no doubt, be eager to start collecting your data soon after the summer examsare completed. </FONT></P> <P><FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" face=宋体>This may involve setting up any equipment you need and booking upsubjects. Given that you have consulted your supervisor, and have the requisite ethicalapproval, data collection should then proceed in accordance with your project outline.Some projects need controls. If yours involves testing normal subjects for this purposeor any other, do not assume these can easily be found from the pool of people aroundyou. Staff are too busy, so please do not ask them. Your fellow students will also bebusy completing their own work, so if you do ask them, make sure it is clear how muchtime you require and ensure that they are willing to co-operate. A notice on the boardasking for volunteers (or in 'This Week, Next Week') is probably a good method.Beware, too, of assuming that people are normal hearing, even if they think they are.Test them to make sure.You may need an assistant for testing; again it is your job to find one, and don't devisea project which would make heavy demands on another person's time, unless you areabsolutely sure you can find such a person who is willing.<BR></FONT></P> <P> </P>