
Essay案例分析:Case study analysis

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1455
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201008161929559327 论文字数:2260 所属栏目:essay写作
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:案例 Cae Study

This end of module assessment offers the opportunity for individual students to highlight the knowledge of specific principles and practices of service sector management gained from the modules teaching.
1.You are required to identify either one specific organization, geographical place or type of event for in depth consideration and analysis…
2.when you have done this, you must conduct a review of two types of information
a.theoretical principles gained from lectures, seminars, journal articles and books
b.actual practice gained from identifiable sources including the internet.
3.upon collecting data for you to read, you then write essay of 2500 words applying theory with
All work presented for academic assessment must be word processed and spell-checked accordingly. The word count should be clearly indicated at the end of the assessment prior to submission.

Key reading
This book provides a general overview to the subject area
Cooper,C., Fletcher, J., Fyall, A., Gilbert, D. and Wanhill, S (2005) tourism principles and practice, Third Edition, Harlow: Pearson Educaton Ltd.
Ball, S., Horner, S. and Nield, K. (2007) contemporary hospitality and Tourism Management issues in China and India. Butterworth-Heinemann.
Berridge,G(2007) Events design and experience, London: Butterwirth-Heinemann.
Brotherton B.,(2003) The International Hospitality Industry. Structure, Characteristic and Issues, London: Butterworth Heinemann
Clarke, A and Chen,W(2007) International Hospitality Management Concepts and Cases. Butterworth Heinemann
Copper, C and Hall M C(2008) Contemporary Tourism: An International Approach, Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann
Cunill,O M.(2006) The Growth Strategies of Hotel Chains. The Howarth Hospitality Press
Knowles,T. (2004) The globalization of tourism and hospitality; a strategic perspective,2nd ed.London: Thomson Learning.
Knowles,T. Dimantis, D. and El Mourhabi, J.(2001) The Globalisation of Tourism and Hospitality. A Strategic Perspective. Contiuum
Lashley,C and Morrison,A.(2000) Franchising Hospitality Services. Butterworth Heinemann
Laws,E.(2004) Tourism in the 21st Century: lessons from experience,2nd ed. London: Thomson Learning.

Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly
Hospitality Direction-Europe Edition
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
Tourism and Hospitality Review
Tourism and Hospitality Research
Tourism Geographies
Annals Tourism Research
Journal of Sustainable Tourism
Tourism Management
Travel and Tourism Analyst