
留学生硕士毕业论文 Dissertation 要求

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:3538
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201007191749192723 论文字数:4644 所属栏目:帮写thesis论文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:论文写作指导 Instruction

留学生硕士毕业论文 Dissertation 要求  

(a) A synthesis of the literature.
(b) An analysis of quantitative and/or qualitative information.
(c) A summary of empirical results whether found by experimentation, observation, survey or interview.
(d) The implications of the findings.

Each Dissertation should involve some or all of the following:

(a) Problem identification
(b) Problem resolution
(c) Information search
(d) Application of methods developed in your Programme
(e) Drawing appropriate conclusions.
Make use of figures, graphs and schematic diagrams – they are very useful in explaining difficult concepts.  However, these must be clearly titled and discussed in the text.
Criterion Weighting
Problem Formulation: Relevance of the research topic,
formulation of the research problem and setting out of the
research problem.         10%

Research Method Employed: Validity and effectiveness
of the research methods used.       15%

Content: Critical appraisal of the literature and Evaluation of
relevant data.          30% 

Quality of Argument:  The extent to which arguments are advanced
on valid and reliable evidence.  The use of a theoretical framework
in advancing themes and ideas.       20%

Conclusions and Recommendations:  Extent to which the
Dissertation meets its stated objectives.  Whether the recommendations
are consistent with the evidence and are feasible.    15%

Presentation: The extent to which the whole dissertation is clearly
and logically structured, well argued and clearly presented in terms
of layout, abstract and references.                                                                 10%  

The overall pass mark for the Dissertation is 50%. (P1)

Appendix VI explains in detail the levels of performance per grade
In writing a Master’s dissertation there are a number of key points to remember and to pay detailed attention to – these are described below:

 Nature of the Work
 Relevance
 Word Limit
 Timetable
 Presentation

The structure of the final Dissertation is to be presented as follows:

First inside page = Title, your name and year (1996, 1997, 1998, etc)
(see Appendix III for an example of the FRONT page and the FIRST inside page)


A contents page

List of tables & figures


First Chapter = Introduction (research purpose and objectives)

Chapters  2, 3, 4 etc.

Final Chapter = Conclusions


References and Bibliography

The abstract should be no more than 500 words and take no more than one page of space.  It should, very briefly, provide a description of the nature of the work, how it was undertaken and its main findings.


Aim & Objectives:
Chapter 1 (introduction) should contain the following elements: the purpose of the research i.e. the research ‘problem’ (expanding on the abstract) and reasons why it was undertaken.  A clear statement of the overall aim and specific objectives of the research.  The latter represent the hypotheses or propositions which the research is intended to test.

Research method:
A section on research method and why this method is appropriate to the research questions.  Identification of the main data sources used for the research including the limits of validity which you have identified in relation to the data.  A section on the structure of the text - that is, a brief explanation of what each Chapter is about and how