1. Introduction介绍
The main contribution of this paper is to investigate the current situation of Chinese tourism industry and hotel management and recommend means to improve both. The paper is organized as the following. First, the current situation of hotel management in China will be investigated. Then, the current situation of Chinese tourism industry is investigated. After that, the SWOT analysis is applied to the Chinese tourism industry and Chinese hospitality environment, including the personal experiences and knowledge. Then, recommendations on improving the Chinese tourism industry will be made. In the end, we conclude our discovery and recommendations to Chinese tourism industry and hotel management business.
2. Current situation and characteristics of hotel management in China我国饭店管理的现状与特点
Numbers have suggested how fast the Chinese hotel industry has been growing. In 2000, there used to be only 117 five star hotels with 45.2 thousand rooms. In 2004, there were 242 five star hotels with 87.4 thousand rooms. In 2008, there were 432 five star hotels with 156.9 thousand rooms. In 2012, there were 640 five star hotels with 252 thousand rooms.
The primary task of Chinese hotel industry is to transform from hotel investment to hotel management. The key of developing hotel management industry in China is to seize the brands with unique and independent intellectual properties, in order to implement the national requirement of developing the cultural power in China, to shift the emphasis from hotel investment to hotel management, and to shift the emphasis from hotel hardware construction to service improvement. This is not only the requirement from the Chinese economic transformation but also the prerequisite of Chinese hotel service entering a global stage.3. Current situation and characteristics of Chinese tourism development
4. SWOT analysis of Chinese touristic hospitality environment
4.1 Strength
4.2 Weakness
4.3 Opportunity
4.4 Threats
5. Suggestions on developing the Chinese tourism industry
5.1 Establish sound travel regulations and relevant rules.
5.2 Strengthen domestic tourism infrastructure and service facilities to create good conditions of tourism service.
5.3 Actively introduce foreign capital and advanced technology and equipment to improve the facilities and services associated with Chinese tourism.
5.4 Advertise and promote Chinese tourism to counties as major source of tourists as an important means of survival and development of Chinese tourism.
5.5 China shall strengthen the macro-control on the Chinese tourism market.
5.6 Protect the environment in tourist spots.
5.7 Improving the