3.2.1 Mixed Methods Research
The basic characteristics of mixed methods research is that such research draws on both quantitative and qualitative perspectives. The use of mixed methods research and the main justification for its use is due to its ability to overcome limitations which may be associated with the use of a single design. Thus, mixed methods facilitate an ability to explain and interpret based on different perspectives to explore a phenomenon in more detail. It is this coupling of quantity and quality which strengthens the research outcomes (Creswell & Clark, 2007; Tashakkori & Teddlie, 2010).
In order to move towards a greater understanding of mixed methods research the work of Schwandt (2000: 210) can be reflected upon who notes:
'All research is interpretive, and we face a multiplicity of methods that are suitable for different kinds of understandings. So the traditional means of coming to grips with one's identity as a researcher by aligning oneself with a particular set of methods (or being defined in one's department as a student of “qualitative” or “quantitative” methods) is no longer very useful. If we are to go forward, we need to get rid of that distinction.' (p. 210).
In light of this quote above, mixed methods research can be viewed as something which draws together the flexibility of mixed methods research and its ability to promote a coupling between previously distinct approaches.
3.3 Research Design
It was important to capture the voice of the research participant and so the questionnaire was designed in a manner which would allow the opinion of the participant to be captured, using some quantitatively informed questions [closed] and some qualitatively informed questions [open]. Any information gathered as part of the likert scale questions or open-ended questions was then linked back to the literature to develop key themes for the discussion chapter presented in chapter four. The methodology employed and the justification for this methodology stems from the need to balance detail with range to ensure a wide range of perspectives was captured on the value and nature of knowledge transfers as well as the subsequent challenges associated with knowledge transfers in the context of the Chinese business environment.
3.4 The Questionnaire
Questionnaires were designed online using Bristol Online Surveys (Bos). This online platform was used in order to ensure the professional look of the questionnaire which was important given the audience it would be administered to. The make up of the questionnaire consisted of a range of questions including Likert scale questions which