Knowledge transfers and the process of sharing knowledge can be defined as “the exchange of knowledge between and among individuals, and within and among teams, organisational units, and organisations. This exchange may be focused or unfocused, but it usually does not have a clear a priori objective” (Schwartz (2006) cited in Paulin & Suneson, 2015 p. 82). This definition noted in captures the different levels at which transfers may take place and captures the extent to which these may be either formal or informal with challenges coupled with each form. Drawing on this definition, there is a need to think about the context within which knowledge emerges and how such knowledge transfers can be facilitated drawing in particular on challenges which may occur in the Chinese business environment which is notably different to that of the West. A focus on the differences within the Chinese market is important and provides a core rationale for this research due to the increasingly powerful political and economic nature of China.
In this research, knowledge transfers in strategic alliances are examined with a particular focus on the Chinese market. China is positioned as a market of growth something which has been linked in part to their growth strategy underpinned by strategic alliances (Jin, Von Zedtwitz & Chong, 2015). In light of this, there is a need to examine the challenges which Chinese firms face when trying to obtain knowledge as part of the international strategic alliance process and the nature of knowledge transfers which exist. A key question of 'how' therefore emerges.
1.2 Justification/Rationale
The first motivation for this research is to understand what knowledge transfers look like specifically within the context of the Chinese market, due to its significant global importance. This is required due to the business approach in China being widely noted to be different to that of the Western markets. Within this context, there is a need to explore if different challenges occur surrounding knowledge transfers within international strategic alliances taking place with Chinese firms. An understanding of what challenges exist is therefore the second motivation for this research. This study will be beneficial in improving the understanding of the Chinese market and will inform businesses both within China and in external economies of the methods and challenges involved in strategic alliances with China. The findings produced should help to improve the success of such alliances.
1.3 Research Objectives
This research is underpinned by one central research objective: 'To explore and examine knowledge transfers within Chinese strategic alliances'. This research objective will be achieved through a focus on three research questions:
What are the challenges faced by Chinese firms in obtaining knowledge in their international strategic alliances?
How much knowledge transfer exists for Chinese firms in their international str