
研究中国的养老保险制度改革Study on the reform of China's endowment insurance system

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad200901081555315985 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1079
论文价格:600元/篇 论文编号:lw201602261025073202 论文字数:8540 所属栏目:帮写dissertation论文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis

论文题目:Social Policy类,社会福利题目尚未拟定
论文语言:英语论文 English
论文专业:MSc Social Policy & Social Research
论文用于:Master Dissertation 硕士毕业论文


我国已逐步形成了以社会统筹和个人账户相结合的养老保险制度十年的筹资模式,建立了多层次的养老保险制度。但是,该制度面临着日益严峻的挑战,人口老龄化加速、覆盖面狭窄、社会统筹层次低、养老保险隐性债务和个人账户空账、养老保险价值的保持和增加等问题,使得现有的养老保险制度发挥着社会保障功能的作用。因此,应结合我国实际情况,针对我国社会养老保险制度实践中存在的疑难问题提出相应的改革和完善措施,这是我国养老保险制度的核心问题。China has gradually forms a funding mode of combining social pooling with individual accounts in its new endowment insurance system for ten years, multi-level old-age insurance system has been established. However, the system faces increasingly severe challenges, accelerated problems of population aging, narrow coverage, low social pooling level, hidden debt and empty individual accounts, double-track system, problems in maintaining and increasing the value of pensions make the existing endowment insurance system powerless in playing the roles of its social security functions. Therefore, it should combine with China's actual situation, aiming at difficult problems in practice of China's social endowment insurance system to put forward corresponding reform and improvement measures, which is the core issue in China's endowment insurance system.
The author first of all reviews literatures relating to the theory of endowment insurance system, including: intergenerational equity theory, social security theory, theory of state intervention, portfolio theory and equity theory. Then it introduces China's current situation of social endowment insurance system, pointing out the existing problems, include: hidden debt and empty individual accounts, double-track system, problems in maintaining and increasing the value of pensions. Finally, the author analyzes that aging population, hidden debt and empty individual accounts are issues affecting the implementation of intergenerational equity; China's reform of the endowment insurance system should focus on reducing contributions to pension, expanding the scope of people involving in the system and postponing retirement age; double-track system goes against equity principle, in the future reform process, the system should be phased out; problems in maintaining and increasing the value of pensions prevent China's endowment insurance system from safeguarding people's basic welfare, achieving balanced social development, thus it should promote the pensions to enter the stock market, promote the mature of capital markets and improve supervision systems.


1.0 Introduction
2.0 Literature review
3.0 Methodology
4.0 Discussion
5.0 Recommendation
6.0 Conclusion

6.0 Conclusion总结

Establishment and reform of China's new social pension insurance system has gone through ten years of history, after years of exploration, practice, in the management of funds, it gradually forms a funding mode of combining social pooling with individual accounts, multi-level old-age insurance system has been established. However, China’s endowment insurance system faces more and more severe challenges, accelerated problems of population aging, narrow coverage, low social pooling level, hidden debt and empty individual accounts make the existing pension system powerless in playing the role of its social security functions (Rickne, 2014; Yu, Shi and Jin, 2010). Through analysis, the author finds that aging population, hidden debt and empty individual accounts are issues affecting the implementation of intergenerational equity, and the author believes that China's reform of the endowment insurance system should focus on reducing contributions to pension, as well as expanding the scope of participation in the system and postponing retirement age. The existence of double-track system is contrary to equity principle, in the ref