

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201202141743086341 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1823
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201203271516343499 论文字数:1886 所属栏目:帮写dissertation论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:论文写作指导 Instruction
ty and an act of research. So in this thesis, if we want to discuss the literary translation strategies, we should well know what literary translation is and what the differences between literary translation and non-literary translation are.


1.1 Definition of Literary Translation
Mao Dun says, “Literary translation is to reproduce in another language the artistic images of the original work so that the reader of the translation may be inspired, moved and aesthetically entertained in the same way as he would in reading the original” (Luo Xinzhang, 1984:511). As the name implies, literary translation is the translation of literature or other artistic texts such as film scripts, dramatic texts or music lyrics, as opposed to the translation of explanatory prose such as information pamphlets, technical manuals, records, scientific papers, legal documents and the like. This is not mean to be an exhaustive definition, and of course, there will be always be borderline cases where it could be difficult to draw a clear line between literary translation and other kinds of translation, but for the purpose of this paper, this definition will suffice.


1.2 The Debate over Literary Translation and Non-literary Translation
Translation can be roughly divided into literary translation and non-literary translation. This is not an adequate division, but it serves the purpose of the present study. The division is obviously based on text types, for translation is generally believed to be a text-oriented event. Many theorists have divided texts according to subject matter, and some others prefer to divide them according to the functions of the language.


1.2.1 Difference in artistic nature
Literature is a kind of art, or the art of language, to be specific; so literary translation is also the art of language. In a literary text, artistic values are generated by linguistic forms, which convey the author’s vision, tone and attitude; which embody the mingling or shifting of points of view; which add to the affective or emotive force of the message’ which contribute to characterization and make fictional reality function more effectively in the thematic unity. Generally speaking, the task of literary translation is to tender logical images or artistic images of actual life involved in the original from one language to another.
Literary translation is more a bilingual art than a bilingual craft. According to A.S. Push kin, the aim of literary translation is to reproduce an artistic work. (Bassnatt, M.Suan, 1991:14) The translator must first understand the content and style of the original thoroughly and profoundly, and then creatively and accurately reproduce it in the target language. Some scholars even consider literary translation part of the study of comparative literature. The primary difference between literary translation and other forms of translation is the question of artistic merit. While the form and the register are important even in non-literary translation, e.g. the accepted high register and specific form characteristic of scientific discourse may be required in an article for a professional journal, literary style and artistic merit are not usually important considerations.


1.2.2 Difference in target readers
Different texts are meant for different readers, so are different translations. “The target