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东西方跨文化商业管理case study

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201405131543434640 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2299
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201504011505498279 论文字数:2506 所属栏目:Case Study范文
论文地区:美国 论文语种:English 论文用途:作业/作文 composition

东西方跨文化商业交流的case study




问题识别——Identification of Problems/Issues


Robert Brown, the president team of Brown Casual Shoes, Inc. Company from the United States intends to expand the company's sales by venturing into international marketplace. Mr. Brown decides to negotiate with a Manufacturing Company of China so as to sign a business contract with the company. Various culture and communication problems are identified given that the two countries were different. Additionally, a literature review is included concerning the two culture/communication models that are used to analyse the case: Hofstede's model of national culture and Edward Hall's cultural/communication model. There is also a recommendation to on how the problems could be resolved to ensure that there is an effective intercultural communication.


The purpose of this report is to identify culture and communication problems in the 'East Meets West in Shoe Manufacturing Negotiations' case. Two culture/communication models are used to analyse the case so as to present appropriate recommendations that will assist in solving the communication and culture problems in future.

问题识别——Identification of Problems/Issues

There were a number of intercultural, verbal and non verbal communication problems. Intercultural communication takes place when two or more individuals from different cultural backgrounds assemble to exchange non-verbal and verbal symbols. Intercultural communication is generally contextual. There are various intercultural issues related to culture and communication: the meeting between Robert Brown's team of Brown Casual Shoes, Inc. Company from the United States and Mr. Li Kim Son of Chung Sun Manufacturing Company from China. The team from the United States desired to discuss about business while the Chinese team was more interested in relationships and more personal issues. This was a hindrance to communication between the two groups; this is because the conversations mainly focused on the Chinese culture and nation, the United States as well as other personal questions. The United States' team found it difficult to present their business proposal. On the second day of the meeting between Brown Casual Shoes, Inc. Company and Chung Sun Manufacturing Company, Mr. Brown managed to present his company's proposal. However, there were various communication problems: the Chinese team could not wait for him to finish with his presentation before asking questions.

Additionally, Mr. Brown did not understand the Chinese culture: he presents his first toast and he did not know who was supposed to leave first. Another intercultural issue arose when Mr. Brown realized that he dad to organise to another trip for him to close the business deal. They frequently asked questions and this made it difficult for Mr. Brown to finish his presentation. The interruptions by the Chinese made the time shorter that Mr. Brown had to organize for another business trip to sign a contract with Chung Sun Manufacturing Company. Given that two parties from different from different cultural backgrounds came together to exchange ideas by use of Mrs Wang Chu Jiang as their translator, the communication was intercultural.

Verbal intercultural communication

Verbal intercultural communication took place when the two teams from different cultures used words to communicate. The two teams were hindered by language barrier: the team from the United States was very uncomfortable during the meeting because they did not understand the Chinese language. On the other hand, only one member of the Chinese team cou