

日期:2020年03月10日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1880
论文价格:400元/篇 论文编号:lw202003081739322455 论文字数:0 所属栏目:博士论文格式
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:博士毕业论文 Docotor Thesis



1.1. Background

It is always a massive challenge for many countries to meet up the identical goals ofeconomic expansion and reduce rural poverty at the same time period and took the peripheralpopulation to the mainstream. In several countries of the world, microfinance has been usedas an instrument to upsurge financial penetration in rural areas of that country and basicallythe actual low-income groups are the main target group of this program. The overall idea of“what is microfinance really mean” is expressed in the following statement: “ The provisionof micro-financial services to the poor known collectively as micro-credit financing, micro-savings, micro-insurance, and money transfers and have been accredited with aiding micro-entrepreneurs to build businesses and increase their income as well as improving the generaleconomic wellbeing of the poor”(van Rooyen, Stewart, & de Wet, 2012). Microfinance hasbeen accredited with improving both financial and non-financial outcomes such as assetaccumulations, increasing savings, improving respondents health, household food security,increase education status, women empowerment, skill development training, improve housingcondition, job creation and business expansion and social interconnection (Hietalahti &Linden, 2016; Hossain & Knight, 2008; Odell, 2010). However, microfinance is a service thatprovides both financial and non-financial services to that type of poor population who haveless access to formal financial institutions (M. Rahman & Luo, 2012). Microcredit financingis one of the services provided by Micro Finance Institutions (MFIs). The term “microcredit”really express as any loan amount which is smaller than the loan amount disbursed by atraditional financial institution (Du, 2008). According to Convergences microfinancebarometer Statistics, The microfinance Institutions (MFIs) serving microcredit approximately139 million low-income customers worldwide in 2018, for a loan portfolio of $114 billion.Worldwide microcredit financing grew very fast. Here, Figure 1.1 shows the most recent dataof the total number of borrowers and the number of borrowers amidst the poorest at the timeof writing this dissertation.

Figure 1.1: Total number of borrowers and the number of borrowers among poorest


1.2. Microfinance in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a country that is subject to climatic extremities, including a dry summerand lengthy and wet monsoon and is often exaggerated by tropical cyclones, hurricanes, andflooding that causes extensive damage to people’s lives and livelihoods. Bangladesh is still adeveloping country for various socio-political reasons although each year it gets hugedonation from many international donor agencies as well as it has huge potential fordevelopment According to Mazumder a scholar on microfinance in Bangladesh, “almost halfof the total population is living under the poverty line - earning less than $1 a day….Logically,therefore, poverty mitigation and formation of rural employment are top urgencies in thedevelopment agenda of the government of Bangladesh (GOB)” (Mazumder, 2016).Considerable development has been made in implementing the microfinance program and thescope for its well-organized expansion is enormous (Mazumder & Lu, 2015b). Grameen bankin Bangladesh, the pioneer of microfinance, has achieved significant success by the end of 2008 and it had lent US$7.6 billion microcredit loan to the poor households. In, 2006Grameen bank and its founder, Professor Dr. Muhammad Yunus, were awarded the NobelPeace Prize. After watching the success of Grameen bank, more than 40 countries in theworld have inspired at the time to adopt “Grameen Model” to alleviate rural poverty.However, other two NGO type MFIs in Bangladesh namely Rural