

日期:2019年11月21日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1382
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw201911110953258322 论文字数:38855 所属栏目:项目管理论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis

Chapter 1. Theoretical basis of project management

1.1 The economic core of projects

Project is a set of interrelated activities aimed at creating a unique product orservice in terms of time and resource constraints. The project management Institute(PMI) is an international non-profit Institute for project management, developed a setof internationally recognized standards (PMBOK) on managing projects, programs,portfolios of projects determines the project is almost similar to GOST. This is notsurprising, given that GOST was created as a generalized version of the PMBOKstandard.[1]

In September 2012, Russia, United States and the European Union countriesintroduced the ISO 21500 project management standard at the state level through theInternational Standard Organization (ISO). It built on the PMBOK model, but despitethis, the new ISO 21500 standard defines the project in a slightly different way - aunique set of processes consisting of coordinated and managed tasks with start andfinish dates taken to achieve the goal. Achieving a project goal, requires obtainingresults that meet predetermined requirements, including limits on obtaining resultssuch as time, money, and resources.[2] The definition of ISO 21500 significantlyextends the scope of project management techniques, as the concept of the project isinterpreted more widely than in PMBOK or GOST. It should note that due to theprovisions of the Civil Code of Kyrgyz Republic, the international standard used fordiscrepancies in definitions.


1.2 Project management organization

The implementation of the project takes place within the framework of theorganizational form, the structure of which largely affects the project itself. From thispoint of view, for the purposes of the final work, it is necessary to consider variousforms of organizational structures of project management in order to formulate theadvantages/disadvantages of the existing organization in the study at the moment anddetermine the one in which the developed directions of improving projectmanagement will be implemented. The project management system provides aframework for the organization to launch and develop projects. A good systemcombines the desired needs of the chartering organization and the project through thedefinition of interaction between project and organization-founder regarding power,allocation of resources and ultimately the integration of project results in most of thework.[8]

Many organizations have had great difficulty in trying to manage ongoingactivities simultaneously with the establishment of a project management system. One of the main reasons for such difficulties is the contradiction between projects and thebasic structural principles on which traditional organizations based. First, the projectsare unique, single events with a well-defined beginning and end. Most organizationsdesigned to manage effectively business continuity. Efficiency mainly achieved bydividing complex tasks into simple, repetitive operations by Assembly type. Projectsare by nature not routine and are therefore an anomaly in a similar work environment.


Chapter 2. Project management analysis in Kumtor GoldCompany

2.1 Kumtor Gold Company’s main characteristics

Kumtor mine is one of the largest gold deposits in Central Asia. The mine islocated in the Issyk-Kul region of Kyrgyzstan, about 350 km southeast of the capitalBishkek and about 60 km north of the border with the People’s Republic of China, inthe Tien Shan Mountains, at 41?52’ North latitude and 78?11’ East longitude. Thecrusher is located at an altitude of 4016 meters above sea level, and production carriedout at an altitude exceeding 4400 meters. Kumtor gold deposit discovered in 1978.The Kumtor project began in 1992 as a joint venture between the government ofKyrgyzstan and Canadian investors. Gold production began in 1997. From that timeuntil the end of 2017, the company produced 9.3 million ounces 5, 6 or 289 tons ofgold. As