

日期:2019年11月21日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1382
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw201911110953258322 论文字数:38855 所属栏目:项目管理论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
at 31 December 2017, total proven and probable reserves the Kumtor depositis 85.2 million tons of ore containing 8.5 million ounces of gold. In addition,measured and indicative resources estimated at 34.4 million tons of ore and 2.6million ounces of gold.


2.2 Project management organization in company

Kumtor Gold Company implements the principle of – Systematic approach toproject management, company has implemented a quality system ISO 9001 and14001. I can also note, the fact that the company, in principle, spelled out all theprocesses of project management, from design to export of products. Let us presentgraphically an example of project management stages in the company.


Chapter3. Recommendations for development an effective projectmanagement system in Kumtor Gold Company.......................47

3.1 Key proposals for improving project management system in theorganization........................47

3.2 Effective measures to improve project management system..........53

Chapter 4. Summary and conclusion................................59

4.1 A sum of studying............................59

4.2 Limitations and suggestions for the future research....................... 61

Chapter 3. Recommendations for development an effectiveproject management system in Kumtor Gold Company

3.1 Key proposals for improving project management system inthe organization

The analysis of the activities of Kumtor Gold Company showed that the companyis financially stable; the company implements a large number of projects. In principle,the process of project management in the company organized quite thoughtfully.Nevertheless, with the increased number of projects, it is necessary to improve theorganizational structure of Kumtor Gold Company. Improvement in projectmanagement in Kumtor Gold Company should be carried out in the direction ofimproving the organizational structure, namely the introduction of a new position -the Project Director (specific), which would be promptly subject to all structures interms of the execution of the assigned object (designers, land acquisition, andexpertise, and construction contractors, equipment, Finance, etc.). Thus, the whole"chain" of project management from the beginning of construction to registration ofownership of the investor must be more structured. The existing project managementsystem of the enterprise is not enough to correct a little, calling the new structuralunits in addition, and buying modern software. It should be radically restructured toensure the optimal organization of investment project management and the use ofavailable resources to achieve the business goals of the enterprise.


Chapter 4. Summary and conclusion

4.1 A sum of studying

The main purpose of this graduation work to improve the project managementactivities in the gold mining company Kumtor Gold Company in Kyrgyzstan. Therelevance of the thesis is the need of improvement in the processes of projectmanagement of the gold mining industry in Kyrgyzstan. For the purposes of the thesis,the essence of projects and project management was determined by considering theaccumulated international experience in this area, summarized in various standardsfor project management.

When comparing different approaches to the essence of project management, asa theoretical basis for the final work, the approach of the PMI project managementInstitute and its "project management Knowledge sets" (PMBOK), which became thede facto world standards for project management and the basis for the creation ofGOST and ISO standards, was determined.

In order to determine the organizational structure of project management, whichwill be implemented developed areas of improvement of project activities in thecompany considered project management in different types of organizationalstructures: functional-hierarchical, matrix and based on independent project teams.The advantages and disadvantages of each of them are determin