

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:941
论文价格:50元/篇 论文编号:lw201009261614382404 论文字数:3000 所属栏目:市场营销论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:职称论文 Thesis for Title
<P>    摘 要:文章回顾了当前国外消费者参考价格的研究现状,通过对消费者参考价格形成与发展途径的剖析,进一步分析了影响参考价格的诸多因素,并提出了消费者参考价格研究对企业营销战略制定的重要意义。 <BR>    关键词:价格;参考价格;内部参考价格;外部参考价格 <BR><BR>一、引言 <BR>二、消费者参考价格的形成与发展途径 <BR>三、研究展望与意义 </P> <P>〔参考文献〕 <BR>[1] Hastie, Reid and Bernadette Park·The relationship between memory and judgment depends on whether the judgment task is memory-based or on- line [ J]·Psychological Review, 1986, 93 ( July):258-268· <BR>[2] Bieha,l Gabriel and Dipankar Chakravarti·Information accessibility as a moderator of consumer choice [ J]·Journal of Consumer Research, 1983, 10 (June): 1-14· <BR>[3] Briesch, Richard A·,<A href="www.51lunwen.org">www.51lunwen.org</A> Lakshman Krishnamurth,i Tridib Mazumdar,and S·P·Raj·A comparative analysis of reference pricemodels [J]·Journal of Consumer Research, 1997, 24 (September): 202 -214· <BR>[4] Lattin, JamesM·and Randolph E·Bucklin·Reference effects of price and promotion on brand choice behavior[J]·JournalofMarketingResearch, 1989, 26 (August): 299-310· <BR>[5] Kalwan,i ManoharU·and Yim, ChiKin·Consumer price and promotion expectations: an experimental study [J]·JournalofMarketing Research, 1992, 29(February): 90-100· <BR>[6] Krishna, Arahna, Currim Imran S·and Shoemaker, RobertW·Consumer perceptions ofpromotional activity [J]·Journal ofMarketing,1991, 55(April): 4-16· <BR>[7] Shankar, Venkatesh and Bolton, Ruth N·An empirical analysis of deterrninants of retailer pricing strategy [ J]·Marketing Science,2004, 23(1), 28-49· <BR>[8] Thaler, Richard·Mental accounting and consumer choice [J]·Marketing Science, 1985, 4 (Summer): 199-214· <BR>[9] Bel,l David R·and Lattin, JamesM·Shopping behavior and consumerpreference for retailprice format: why’large basket’shoppers preferEDLP [J]·Marketing Science, 1998, 17 (1): 66-88· <BR>[10] Mazumdar, Tridib and Papatla, Purushottam·An investigation of reference price segments [ J]·Journal ofMarketing Research, 37(May 2000): 246-258· <BR>[11] Lichtenstein, DonaldR·andW illiam O·Bearden·Contextual influences on perceptions ofmerchant-supplied reference prices [ J]·Journal ofConsumerResearch, 1989, 16 (June): 55-66· <BR>[12] Bearden, W illiam O·, Carlson JayP·andHardestyDavidM·Using invoice information to frame advertised prices [J]·Journal of BusinessResearch, 2003, 56 (May): 355-366· <BR>[13] Rajendran, K·N·and Tellis, Gerard J·Contextual and temporal components of reference price [J]·Journal ofMarketing, 1994, 58(January): 22-34· <BR>[14] Mayhew, Glenn E·andW iner, RussellS·An empirical analysis of internal and external reference pricesusing scannerdata [J]·Journal ofConsumerResearch, 1992, 19 (1): 62-70· <BR>[15] W iner, RussellS·A price vectormodelofdemand for consumerdurables: preliminary developments [J]·Marketing Science, 1985, 4(1): 74-90· <BR>[16] Bridges, Eileen, Yim, ChiKin Bennett, and Briesch, Richard A·A high-tech productmarket sharemodelwith customer expectations[J]·Marketing Science, 1995, 14 (1): 61-81· <BR>[17] Shugan, StevenM·and Xie, Jinhong·Advance pricing of services and other implications of separating purchase and consumption [J]·Journal ofService Research, 2000, 2 (3): 227-239·</P>