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日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1392
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201706101829442425 论文字数:2000 所属栏目:MBA Essay
论文地区:美国 论文语种:English 论文用途:代写essay essay

Introduction: 简介
Leadership is the character which every organisation wants to see in their staff and the person who is self motivated and who can motivate the team members become a good manager. Leadership is nothing but inspiring the team leader is the one who does it, inspiration is nothing but motivation. So leadership and motivation is a chemistry which can take any difficult task to success. The leadership and motivation chemistry is mostly helpful in management sector whether it is in business or in the team; every individual posse's leadership but the one who practices on the go become a perfect leader.

The main aspect a leader consists is a vision for the certain purpose. When a task or project is taken over by a company the company searches for a leader who posses knowledge on the project and vision how to develop the project, make use of colleagues and give the organisation a profit on it. A leader tends to influence the task to be continued and change to be taken place to make the organisation profitable.

There are several theories on leadership by great leaders some of them say that "leadership is an action not position or person". These theories help to prepare a perfect leader, all these theories are proposed and practiced by great leaders and managers but latest management considers a leader who follows his role.

Leadership theories:
Considering leadership reveals school of thought giving different leadership theories such as Great Man theory, trait theory, behaviourist theory, situational leadership theory, contingency theory, transactional theory and transformational theory.

Great man theory is the one proposed before twentieth century where it says that leaders are born with the talent and leader should be a man this lead to the next theory trait theory.

Trait theory:
The trait theory rose from the concepts of the 'Great Man 'approach. This theory leads to identify the important characteristics of a successful leader. The people who got the characters as defined by the traits approach are isolated or shortlisted and those are recruited as leaders. This type of approach was mostly implemented in military and still used in some of the area.

According to the trait theory the person who got the following skills is said to be a trait.

Ambitious and success oriented
Adaptable to all kinds of situations
Co operative to all the members in the organization
Highly active or energetic
Good decision making ability
Adaptable to stress conditions and
These are the characters which make a person trait and they should posses some skills which are

Skilled conceptually
Fluent in speaking
Self motivated and self belief
Skilled socially
When these kinds of skills and characters are identified in the person, the person is recruited in the team.

Behavioural theory:
The trait study doesn't give any conclusive results and it was hard to measure some more critical issues such as honesty, integrity and loyalty. This leaded the attention to be diverted on to the behaviour theories. The behaviour theory focuses on human relationship and success performance as well.

According to behavioural theory the manager believes that the working environment should be like an entertainment place where the expenditure of mental and physical efforts is treated to be play and rest. The idea of manager is an average person not only learns to accept but also seek responsibility. The people will automatically learn to exercise self-control and self direction to achieve the goal or target. The organizational problems can become imaginative and creative.
