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日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1392
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201706101829442425 论文字数:2000 所属栏目:MBA Essay
论文地区:美国 论文语种:English 论文用途:代写essay essay
tingency theory model:
This theory illustrates that there are many ways for the manager to lead the team to get best outcome. According to the situation the manager can find a best way to get the best outcome.

Fiedler worked on contingency theory according to that he looked for three situations which define the condition of a managerial task.

Leader and team member relationship
Work structure or project structure
Position and power
The manager should maintain relation with their team members to get along and create confidence and make them feel free to think about the task and give their ideas to help the task to be finished. Project structure is the job highly structured or unstructured or in between. The power shows how much authority a manager does posses.

This theory rates the manager whether the manger is relationship oriented or task oriented. The task oriented managers gets success in such situations where there is good leader and team member relationship and structured projects or tasks doesn't matter whether the position power is weak or strong. And get success when the project is unstructured and does have any sort of good vision by having a strong power and position. The variables which affect the task such as environmental variables are combined in a heavy some and differentiated as favourable and unfavourable situations. The task oriented management style depends on the favourable and unfavourable environment variables but the relationship management style stays in the middle by managing or changing the variables to accumulate with their style.

Both styles of managements got their sides to be good when all the performance and team work well in the tasks. There is no good or bad management in these two managements. Task motivated management style leaders do best when the team performs well and they are good in achieving good sales record and performance better than their competitor where as the relationship oriented leaders are helpful to gain positive customer service and build a positive image to the organisation.

Transactional and transformational leadership:
Transformational leadership "is a relationship of mutual simulation and elevation that converts the followers in to leaders and may convert leaders into moral agents"

Transformational leadership is communicating with the leaders and the team members to take them to higher level something like a leader can become a moral agent and the follower can become a leader.

Transactional leadership technique builds the person to finish the certain task such as job done for the time being.

Some of the differences between transactional and transformational leadership are

Transactional style of leadership builds a man to complete a certain task where as transformational styles builds a member to become a leader.

This focuses on task completion and tactical style of management where as transformational leadership focus on strategies and missions.

These are some theories of the leadership which shows how a leader act on different situations