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MBA Essay:知识管理对组织绩效的影响

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1765
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201606101004239690 论文字数:4000 所属栏目:MBA Essay
论文地区:美国 论文语种:English 论文用途:MBA 课程论文 MBA Essay
MBA Essay:知识管理对组织绩效的影响
The impacts of Knowledge Management on Organizations Performance


Knowledge management has been a hot topic in the last two decades. People mention KM as an important factor that influences the performance of the organization. However, it is important to note that KM is not only a complex information technology system. As being discussed in this report, KM is a collection of strategies, tools and techniques that facilitate the creating, developing, sharing and storing of knowledge in an organization. In KM system, there is an interaction and mutual dependence between people and technologies. People have accumulated knowledge in their mind (i.e. tacit knowledge), and KM helps to pass this knowledge to the other (i.e. explicit knowledge).
In this report, I discuss about the nature of knowledge (i.e. the differences between data, information, and knowledge), how a KM system works (i.e. based on Wiig KM cycle), as well as how KM influence the operations of an organization (i.e. in term of performance, employees, learning organization, and management).


Data, Information, and Knowledge:
Before deeply discussing about knowledge management system, it is worth to understand the differences among data, information and knowledge.
Data consists of raw facts. For example, at Raffles International College (RIC), the numbers of students enroll in different faculty each term, the results of lecturers' evaluation (made by students), and the number of students defer a special subject are all data.
Information is a set of analyzed and organized data which have additional values beyond the value of the facts themselves (Stair R. M & Reynolds G. W., 2008, p.5). For instant, by collecting and organizing the figures occur in each term, RIC's managers realize that there are twice as many students enroll in Fashion courses as in Business courses in recent years; or students tend to defer those classes of strict lecturers or theory-oriented, and so on.
Knowledge is the awareness and understanding of relationships among concepts relevant to a particular area; and then, using the gained information to perform a specific task or to make better decision. Back to RIC, for example, by analyzing relevant information about the enrollment and students' attitude towards the subjects, the lecturers, and the school, then comparing to the performance of competitors and external environmental impacts, the school director can identify the strengths and weaknesses of the current Business faculty and make instant modification.
In addition, there are two types of knowledge: tacit knowledge and explicit knowledge. Tacit knowledge is the intangible knowledge that lies in the mind of individuals, and takes years to earn through learning, practicing and experiencing. Meanwhile, explicit knowledge is the "touchable" knowledge that can be shared and learned in tangible forms such as stories, records, books, images, sounds, and so on.

Defining Knowledge Management:定义知识管理:

According to Dalkir (2005), Knowledge Management is a systematically and coordinately process to utilize the organization's resources - i.e., people, capital, technologies, processes, and structure - in order to create, share, apply, and develop knowledge. Then, all the valuable lessons learned and best practices are stored in the corporate memory for future retrieve, as well as, support organizational learning.
Knowledge management is not neither merely information technology nor the collection of all knowledge existed in the world. Instead, it is the connected procedures to control and improve the ability of the organization to perform better as a whole through innovation, mistake learning and best experiences. Besides, an effective knowledge management system help