

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1874
论文价格:50元/篇 论文编号:lw200905201351243695 论文字数:30000 所属栏目:生物教育论文
论文地区: 论文语种:中文 论文用途:职称论文 Thesis for Title

【中文摘要】 在新课程改革实施过程中,教师与课程实施之间相互影响、相互促进、相互制约。教师对课程改革工作任务的接受与认可程度,对课程改革的理解及适应水平,直接决定着课程改革的成败。在新课程改革实施6年后的今天,深入调查生物教师对新课程的认识、实施等方面的现状,发现问题,总结经验,必将为新课程改革的进一步深化奠定基础。本次调查以长春市绿园区初中生物教师为样本,从教师自然情况、参加培训情况、对课程改革的认识、对新教材的反应、课程资源的开发与利用、对学生的评价体系的建设以及课改实施效果等八个方面进行了调查。通过调查发现:一、课改以来的可喜变化:1、教师对新课程改革普遍持支持态度。2、教师的教材观有了一定的转变,88.46%的教师能根据教学的实际情况对教材进行不同程度的调试。3、课程改革后,与以往相比61.54%的教师的教学方法有了很大区别。4、新课程实施以来,很多教师认为自己收获很多。65.38%的老师教学观念发生了转变,19.23%的老师教学能力得到了提高,30.77%的老师在课改过程中丰富了自己的专业知识。二、教师在实施新课改中存在的主要问题和困难:1、课程资源严重缺乏。2、培训内容与形式缺乏实践性。3、教师不知道如何利用成长纪录袋评价学生。4、评价制度与方法滞后。三、教龄时间的长短影响着教师对新课程的理解和实施。四、区重点中学存在着教学设施、教师素质等方面的优势,区重点中学新课程改革的效果要略好于普通中学。在对调查结果的深入统计分析的基础上,结合长春市绿园区的实际情况,提出如下建议:1、进一步加强教师对新课程的认识。2、开发与提供丰富的课程资源。3、开展多种形式的有针对性的培训。4、正确使用成长纪录袋评价学生。5、建立形成性评价与终结性评价相结合的学生评价制度。 

【英文摘要】 In the proceeding of reform of new cours, there are interaction between the teachers and cours. The result of cours reform will be direct determined by the level of teachers` reception for the reform. There are six years after reform was done. We can gather experience and find question from the systematical investigation for biology teachers` current situation in the reform , which would conduce the deepdeepen of reform. In this invetigation, The research selected the biology teachers of junior high school in Luyuan zone Changchun City for sample. The invetigation included eight aspects which is“basal status of teachers”,“training”,“recognition for the reform”,“identification for the new teaching material”,“exploitation of the curricular resources”,“construction of evaluation system for student”and“effectiveness of the reform”respective.Form the investigation, we can know that:1, favourable amelioration. (1) Almost teachers agreed the reform. (2) the cognition of teachers for the teaching material had some change, 88.46% of teachers can adjust the materials by the actuality. (3) there are 61.54% teachers changed teaching method after the reform. (4) many teachers got much harvest. 65.38% teachers changed the teaching concept; 19.23% teachers elevated the teaching level; and 30.77% teachers improve expertise.2, deficient and difficulty: (1) there is severe famine in curricular resources. (2) the content and modality of training do not have practicality. (3) teachers can not exactly use the code of growth for student to estimate student. (4) there has hyteresis in the evaluation system`s institution and mathod.3, the different in the year of teachers working influence the operation and apprehension of teachers for the reform.4, considerable middle school has ascendancy in the teaching institution and teacher`s diathesis. The result of reform in the school is better than general middle school.With the foundation of investigation and current situation of Luyuan zone Changchun City, I propose some suggestion: 1 fortifying teachers`identification for the reform. 2 exploitageing copious curricular resources. 3 evoluing various available training. 4 exactly useing the code of growth for student. 5 establishing effective estimate system.