

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2384
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw200905191441161463 论文字数:30000 所属栏目:生物教育论文
论文地区: 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis

【中文摘要】 现代社会对公民和人才的素质提出了新的要求,随着培养目标向提高受教育者的全面素质转移以及信息社会的来临,人们更多地注意的不是所学知识的多多益善,而愈来愈强调态度、能力、价值观的培育,尤其是能力的状况如何,成为教育目标中优先注重的方面。新的课程理念注重基础学力的提高、信息素养的养成、开放性与创造性思维的培养、强调价值观教育和道德教育、尊重学生经验、发展学生个性。这对我们的生物学科的教育提出了更高的要求。在大力推进素质教育的过程中,生物学科的教学内容如何面向丰富多彩的社会生活,开发和利用学生的生活经验,引导学生自主学习、主动探索,对于我们观念的转变、课程资源的开发、教法的改进、学生生物学素养的提高等都有重要意义。因此,我们很有必要研究学生对中学生物学学习内容的兴趣,为当前正在进行的生物课程改革提供参考。本研究采用问卷和访谈相结合、学生调查和教师调查相结合的方法,对兰州市部分高中学生学习生物学内容的兴趣进行了调查,得出一些初步结论:学生感兴趣的学习内容依次为阅读材料、与社会问题相关的问题、研究性课题、旁栏思考、复习题和生物实验。而对一些理论性知识如生理进化、调节适应等方面兴趣水平较低。学生的学习兴趣与青少年的心理特点、教学内容的选择、教师的教育理念、选择的教学方法有关,与学生的学习目的或学习功利导向及学校的环境有关。通过分析,提出了激发学生学习生物学兴趣的课改建议:第一,发挥师生在课程资源开发利用中的能动性;第二,改革实验内容,加强实验的探究性;第三,增加阅读材料的数量,发挥阅读材料的教学功能;第四,加强“旁栏思考”的实用性;教学对策:第一,改革生物学教师的讲授方式;第二,构建充满生命力的课堂教学情境;第三,实施主体性教学,培养自主学习能力;第四,提供自主学习机会,给予学生自主学习自由。 

【英文摘要】 Modern society produce new requirements for the quality of the citizens professionals(talented man). With the changing of the training goal and the coming of the information society, People pay more attention to the breeding of the attitude, ability and value, not to the more knowledge. Especially to the ability state , it is becoming a priority focus in the aim of the education.The new curriculum ideas focus on the increasing of the basic learning abilities, the forming of the information quality, open thought and the cultivating of the creative, the stressing of education of the value view and morality, the respecting for students experience, the developing students characters. All of this propose higher demand to the biological education.During the course of vigorously promoting quality education, how to facing rich and colorful social life, developing and using the life experiences of the student, guiding them studying autonomously in the area of the biological teaching content, It has an important meaning for us to changing view, exploring the curriculum resource, improving the teaching methods and raising the biological quality of the student.By the combination of the questionnaires and interviews and the survey of the students and teachers, This paper successively investigate the interesting of the biological contents to the high school students in Lanzhou city and draw some preliminary conclusions: learing contents which students are more interested in are the reading materials , questions about the social problem, researching topics, thinking beside pen, reviewing exercises and biological experiment by turns. However, studens have less interest in knowledge fulling of theory, such as physiology and biochemistry. Studying interest is concerned with learning purpose or utilitarian direction and school environment.Through analysis, we prefer the following the suggestions of curriculum reform to inspire the students to study the biological content: First, educing the teachers and students motility during the explore and use of the curriculum resource; Second,reform the content of experiment,enforce the inquistion of experiments; Third, increasing the number of the reading materials and making it as the teaching contents; Fourth, strengthening the practicality of the thought beside pen using open operation.Teaching counterm easure: First, reforming the teaching methods of the biological teachers; Second, constructing the teaching situation fulling of the vitality in the classroom ;Third,follow the student centered teaching principle,train their self-learning ability ;Fourth,provide them with the opportunity and space to learn by themselves .