

日期:2021年04月02日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1158
论文价格:100元/篇 论文编号:lw202103291237181718 论文字数:45255 所属栏目:在职研究生论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:在职研究生论文 On-the-job graduate paper



1.1 Research background

Vietnam is a traditional agricultural country with more than 70% of the population workingin agriculture, of which a large proportion of agroforestry in mountainous areas, agriculture - ruralareas - farmers occupy an important position in the economy and Vietnamese society. Themountainous areas of Vietnam are inhabited by ethnic minorities with resources and livelihoodsdirectly dependent on natural resources, mainly forest resources and land. However, these resourcesare depleted and degraded due to the pressure of population growth, shifting cultivation, timberexploitation for consumption and industrial production. These adverse changes make it even moredifficult for poverty reduction and economic development efforts. The life of the communities istherefore still very difficult, especially the ethnic minorities in and near the forest areas. The majorchallenge for the sustainable management of forest resources and land in the mountainous areas ofVietnam is the protection and development of resources along with the reduction of poverty forlocal people.

Non-timber forest products include products derived from organisms other than timber,exploited from forests, forest land and trees. Many non-timber forest products are used forproduction and people's life. Hundreds of thousands of tons of bamboo are used in pulp and paperprocessing industry, tens of thousands of tons of medicinal plants are used each year. Non-timberforest products are also valuable exports and export value of non-timber forest products. Theexploitation and processing of non-timber forest products has attracted hundreds of thousands oflabors, mainly in rural and mountainous areas, contributing significantly to hunger elimination andpoverty reduction in forested localities. In the off-season, farmers often go to the forest to collectforest products to earn money to buy food and consumer goods, and to pay for children's medicineand education. In addition, non-timber forest products are also a daily source of food for households:bamboo shoots, forest vegetables, etc. Therefore, developing non-timber forest product productioncontributes to hunger eradication and poverty reduction in ethnic minority and mountainous areas,protect and sustainably develop forest resources, improve people's lives and contribute to thenational economy development.


1.2 The significance of the study

The significance of this paper is as follows: 

(1) It is beneficial to promote the rational development and utilization of NTFPs resources in BacGiang province, Vietnam

Based on the field investigation of Bac Giang province, Vietnam, this research analyzes the currentsituation of the development and utilization of NTFPs in the forest areas, and puts forwardcountermeasures and suggestions for the rational development and utilization of NTFPs in theforest area, which undoubtedly has important guiding significance.

(2) It is useful to promote the increase of income of households in Bac Giang province, Vietnam

Strengthening the development and utilization of NTFP resources can not only meet the daily lifeneeds of the households in the forest area, but also provide income for them. Based on the fieldsurvey of the income of the households in Bac Giang forest area, this paper quantitatively analyzesthe impacting factors to income derived from NTFPs of the households in the forest area, and putsforward countermeasures and suggestions to promote the income of households in the forest area.This study has important practical significance for increasing the income of forest workers andhouseholds and improving people's livelihood.



2.1 Overview of NTFPs

2.1.1 Definition of NTFPs

Currently, there are many definitions of non-timber forest products in the world, thisconcept not only changes according to authors and organizat