

日期:2021年04月02日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1164
论文价格:100元/篇 论文编号:lw202103291237181718 论文字数:45255 所属栏目:在职研究生论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:在职研究生论文 On-the-job graduate paper
n wood forest products was adopted again, but before that, theFAO generally used the term.

图 3 - 1. 北江省地图


3 NTFPS 研究区以及开发利用现状……………….……...16

3.1 自然条件………………….16

3.1.1 地理………………………..16

3.1.2 气候…………………..17

4 人口和社会经济特征以及农户采集和使用的非木质林产品……………31

4.1 研究方法……………………….31

4.1.1 数据收集………………………...31 二次数据…………...31 主要数据………………...31

5 农户非木质林产品采集决策因………………………46

5.1 研究方法和数据说明……………………………….46

5.2 农户月总收入…………………….49


6.1 Reseach method and data descriptions

 Reseach method and data descriptionsThe multiple linear regression model (Gujarati, 2004; Wooldridge, 2005) was used toestimate the factors affecting NTFPs harvest. In this case, the income (currency value) from NTFPsis considered as a dependent variable representing the NTFPs harvest. In order to calculate the totalmonthly income from NTFPs, the number of NTFPs harvested for business and subsistencepurposes is multiplied by the market price. 

表 6-1. 变量解释



7.1 Conclusion

Based on the analysis of the development and utilization of NTFPs and the income ofhouseholds in Bac Giang province, this paper uses the method of qualitative analysis andquantitative analysis to analyze the influencing factors to the NTFPs collection decision and theincome derived from NTFPs of households, and summarizes the following conclusions:

(1) The study described the situation of society as well as economy of the NTFPs collectorsincluding family size, age, education, employment in diverse sectors, and household incomeof the experimental area, etc. as well as NTFPs resources that households exploit and utilizeby descriptive statistics method.

(2) The main non-timber forest products developed and utilized in this forest area are Ornamentalplants (Rhododendron (red flower, white flower, yellow flower), Begonia, Orchids), Plantsfor food including types of Mushrooms (Nhedzi, Chihomobiro), fruits (Vitepayos,SyzigiumGuineensesubap) and vegetables (Melientha suavis, Dendrocalamus latiflorusMunro) and plants for handicraft (Calameae, Bambusa arundinacea), of which the outputvalue of mushroom products are the largest. The development and utilization degree of non-timber forest products in the forest area is relatively low, mainly raw products.

(3) Based on the secondary data of the current situation of the development and utilization ofNTFPs in Bac Giang province, the development and utilization of NTFPs and the existinglimitations were analyzed, including over exploitation of NTFPs, insufficient investment intechnical training, lack of effective information channels, difficulty in households’ finance,small scale of land management, and low cultural level of local people.
