

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:4002
论文价格:100元/篇 论文编号:lw200704062134353011 论文字数:16211 所属栏目:组织行为学论文
论文地区: 论文语种:中文 论文用途:本科毕业论文 BA Thesis
摘要   处於无国界的竞争时代,培养企业的竞争力以因应多变及不确定的环境已成为重要的课题,随着企业所处环境的变化,管理的思维均随着竞争的型态做不同的改变。建立组织的学习能力,有效的累积培养因应变化与挑战所需的知识与核心能力,是当前企业经营的重要课题。由於学习型组织的理论与概念尚在发展阶段,因此至今尚未发展出较成熟之衡量架构与模式。本研究拟采用质性分析方法中的「探索性个案研究法」与量化研究法中的「实证分析法」同时进行,并以统一公司为研究对象,期望能透过上述两种研究方法之相互验证与检验,使得研究命题与结论之验证能更加严谨。本研究主要之研究结论有以下叁点: 1. 当组织成员的个人价值观较具有和谐导向与自在导向时,其对於学习型组织概念会持较正面的态度与评价。 2. 若企业文化愈强调沟通、协调、创新、团队合作与充分授权,其成员对於积极性的个人学习以及团队修练,所持的态度会愈正面。 3. 若企业文化愈强调「为达目的可以不择手段」,且对员工的品德要求愈低,则其成员愈不具有系统思考的观念。 关键字:学习型组织、态度、价值观、企业文化、质化分析、量化分析 ABSTRACT   Facing boundless competition, it's very important for a company to foster competitive advantage to adapt to the diversity and uncertainty of the environment, meanwhile, it's essential to cultivate the ability of organizational learning to obtain needed knowledge and core competence. To date, there is not full agreement about the theory of learning organization, therefore, this study employee exploratory case method and empirical approach on President Enterprise to examine each proposition of this article. Finally, this study comes to three conclusions: 1.The personal value of harmony-oriented and self-oriented is positively related to the evaluation of learning organization. 2.A corporate culture emphasizing on communication, coordination , innovation, cooperation and delegation is positively related to its member's aggressive individual learning and group learning. 3.A corporate culture emphasizing on achieving goals by any means and low requirement on employees' moral is negatively related to its member's systematic thinking. Key words:Learning Organization, Attitude, Value , Corporate Culture, Qualitative Analysis, Quantitative Analysis