

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1154
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw201409031503215257 论文字数:35120 所属栏目:英语文学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
Chinese Literary History is the second volume of History of Modern Chinese Literature(1917-2010) (《中国现代文学史(1917-2010)》) which is mainly compiled by ZhuDonglin (朱栋霖) and belongs to the Textbook Series for the 21stCentury. In this book,a section called “Translated Novels” covering less than a page in the introduction partacknowledges that translation of foreign novels generated novel writing of that time andit introduced only one of the many translators of the time, Lin Shu (林纾). In the mainbody of the book, there are no more sections for translated literature or the translation offoreign literature. Other books focusing on modern Chinese literature, such as Historyof Chinese Literature Development in the 20thCentury (《20 世纪中国文学发展史》)compiled by Su Guangwen (苏光文) and Hu Guoqiang (胡国强) and Illustrated Bookof Chinese Literature History in the 20thCentury compiled by Tang Wenyi (唐文一) etal., don’t even bother to bring up the topic of translation.

1.2 Records on Translated English Literature from 1949 to1966 in Chinese Translated Literature History
The monograph A History of Translated Literature in China (《中国翻译文学史稿》), compiled by Chen Yugang (陈玉刚) and published in 1989, studies thedevelopment of literature translation in China from 1840 to 1966. Many significantliterature translation events, important literature translators, literature groups andpublishing houses in the history are introduced in the book. The book also studies the contributions made by these great translators and publishing houses to the developmentof literature translation in China.In another monograph History of Translated Literature in China (《中国翻译文学史》), compiled by Meng Zhaoyi (孟昭毅) and Li Zaidao (李载道) and published in2005, the study covers the period from 1897 to 2003. The book also focuses on bigevents related to literature translation, famous literature translators, groups andpublishing houses having made great contributions to literature translation. While thesetwo books use different events as separation marks of adjacent periods, and they havedifferent evaluation on certain translator or on the significance of the translatedliterature of certain foreign country.

Chapter Three The Position of Translated English Literature.......... 17
3.1 The State of Chinese Literature during this Specific Period ........ 17
3.1.1 Historical and Cultural Background....... 17
3.1.2 Specific State of Development in Literature ........ 19
3.2 The Position of Translated Literature within Chinese Literary ......... 23
3.2.1 Two Conferences Concerning Translation and the Significanc........... 23
3.2.2 Analysis on the Position of Translated Literature within....... 26
3.3 The Internal Stratification of Translated Literature Polysystem ......... 31
3.3.1 Translated Literature and Its Internal Stratification..... 31
3.3.2 Translated English Literature and Its Further Stratification ...... 32
Chapter Four Translation Norms Applied in the Translation ........ 33
4.1 The Relationship between the Position of Translated........... 33
4.2 Study of Norms....... 34
4.2.1 In Terms of Preliminary Norms....... 35
4.2.2 In Terms of Initial Norms ......... 42
4.2.3 In Terms of Operational Norms....... 43

Chapter Four Translation Norms Applied in the Translation ofEnglish Literature in China from 1949 to 1966

4.1 The Relationship between the Position of TranslatedLiterature and Translational Norms
Even-Zohar believes that the position taken by translated literature may haveconsequences on translation norms, behavio