2.2 English vocabulary teaching and learning
Vocabulary is an important element in a language. So vocabulary teaching isindispensable part of an English class. The definition varies according to different linguists.There are many kinds of definitions of vocabulary, and no one is accepted by all thelinguists. In Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, word is the smallest unit oflanguage and vocabulary is all the words that people use.Vocabulary learning strategy, as an important subcategory of the language learningstrategies, is firstly studied out of a teaching-oriented perspective. The rapid developmentof cognitive psychology influences much on the research done on language learningstrategies (Williams & Burden, 1997: 149). There are various studies on the definitions oflanguage learning strategy. In principle, vocabulary learning strategy also has varieties ofdefinitions and shares many essential features of language learning strategy. Here are somemain definitions of language learning strategy given by different researchers (see Table2.1).
Chapter Three Research methodology.......18
3.1 Research questions....... 18
3.2 Research participants....18
3.3 Research instruments....19
3.4 Research procedures.....21
3.5 Data collection.......31
Chapter Four Results and discussion......... 32
4.1 Results of questionnaires.....32
4.2 Results of tests.......34
4.3 Analysis of interview....39
4.4 Discussion...... 40
Chapter Five Conclusion........ 42
5.1 Major findings.......42
5.2 Implication......43
5.3 Limitations and suggestions for further research.......... 44
Chapter Four Results and discussion
In this chapter, according to all collected data in this experiment, the results areanalyzed by SPSS 19.0. The first part is about the analysis of pre-questionnaire andpost-questionnaire. It can show the current status of students’ English vocabulary learningstrategies in junior high school, and testify whether the application of Prototype CategoryTheory to vocabulary teaching can enrich learners’ vocabulary learning strategies. Thesecond part analyzes the results of all kinds of tests, including pre-test, post-test,immediate-test, and delayed-test. The analysis results are very indispensable to answer thequestions of the research in the previous chapter.
4.1 Results of questionnaires
The first part is the analysis of questionnaires. In order to find whether the applicationof Prototype Category Theory to vocabulary teaching can enrich students’ vocabularylearning strategies, the questionnaire is used twice in EC before and after the experiment. Itis composed of three dimensions: meta-cognitive strategies, cognitive strategies andsocial/affective strategies. The questions are translated into Chinese to make studentseasier to understand. The detailed analysis to the questionnaire is as follows:Table 4.4 shows the students’ score of Meta-cognitive strategy of pre-questionnaire isnot significantly dif