

日期:2024年10月21日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:75
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202410171446034539 论文字数:46525 所属栏目:英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis


Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Research Background

The research is carried out on the basis the requirements of The EnglishCurriculum Standard for Ordinary Senior High Schools(2017 Edition)and a carefulresearch on the reality of Senior High School English listening and speaking teaching.

1.1.1 Curriculum Requirement

The 2017 version of the General High School English Curriculum Standards(referred to as Standards)introduces four fundamental abilities in the discipline,withthe inclusion of thinking quality as a specific objective in the English subject for theinaugural time.Per the Standards,thinking quality pertains to the abilities studentsutilize in thinking and the caliber of their thinking in logical,critical,and creative ways.It embodies the cognitive element of the English subject core competencies.

Thinking quality is the display of intelligence and capability in an individual’sintellectual pursuits,particularly in thinking activities.Its core lies in the uniquecharacteristics of human thinking.This quality serves as a measure to differentiate anindividual’s thinking and intellectual capacity,encompassing depth,adaptability,originality,critical thinking,and agility.Depth pertains to the breadth,profundity,andcomplexity of thinking endeavors.


1.2 Research Purpose

The primary objectives of this research are to address the following issues in thecontext of teaching English listening and speaking:1.Students’difficulty in graspingthe underlying implications conveyed by speakers.2.The necessity to enhance students’listening and speaking test scores.3.The limited enhancement of students’cognitiveabilities and their application in the listening and speaking processes.This study aims toassist educators in senior high schools in augmenting students’cognitive abilities andrefining their listening and speaking abilities.Emphasizing the modification and advancement of teaching methodologies for listening,speaking,and cognitive processesis crucial.Moreover,integrating conversational implicature theory and the cooperativeprinciple can significantly bolster students’communicative proficiency.The researchposits that leveraging conversational implicature theory can effectively elevate students’thinking quality and comprehension levels in listening and speaking.In summary,thisstudy seeks to evaluate the impact of applying conversational implicature theory on theEnglish listening and speaking proficiency of senior high school students,as well as theenhancement of their logical reasoning capabilities.

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 Thinking Quality

The English Curriculum Standard for Ordinary Senior High Schools(2017 Edition)considers thinking quality a fundamental literacy skill in the field of English.Knowingthe notion of thinking quality and subsequently author can execute educational practicesto enrich students’thinking quality in English listening and speaking class.Thisendeavor elevates students’thinking capacity,refines their listening and speakingaptitudes,and fosters their holistic humanistic literacy.

2.1.1 Definition of Thinking Quality

In the English Curriculum Standards for General Senior High School(2017 Edition,Revised in 2020),the concept of thinking quality refers to the capacities and levelsmanifested in the rational,evaluative,and inventive dimensions of thinking.It embodiesthe fundamental cognitive characteristics of core competencies of the English subject.Cultivating thinking quality can foster students’abilities to analyze and addressproblems,enabling them to perceive and comprehend the global reality from theperspective of intercultural communication and to assess the phenomena precisely.

Logical thinking ability refers to the capacity to think precisely and rationally.Thisincludes the ability to observe,compare,analyze,synthesize,abstract,summarize,judge,and reason objects or concepts.Additionally,it invol