

日期:2022年01月27日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1066
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202201111452118630 论文字数:37748 所属栏目:英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis


Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Research Background

With the implementation of National English Curriculum Standards (2017), a coreeducation concept, “student-oriented concept”, was put forward. Besides, teachers’feedback is also said to be involved in the whole teaching process and is reflected inevery link of teaching practice. This Curriculum Standards, in stating the status ofstudents in corrective feedback, claims that “students are not only subjects of learning andacquisition but also subjects of evaluation (2017: 80).” That is to say, students have everyreason to be fully considered in the selections of evaluation methods and tools, thecontent as well as the standard of evaluation. Therefore, on the basis of having a completeunderstanding of students’ individual preferences of written corrective feedback, thisresearch can help to give some suggestions to the teachers so that they can use the propertype, manner and object of WCF to achieve twice the result with half the effort.

On the one hand, from the theoretical view, written corrective feedback plays animportant role in second language acquisition.

Learning a foreign language could not be done in one day, during which errors areinevitable. “Not only for teachers but also for students, it is significant to accept the fact that errors cannot be excluded from learning process” (Davies & Pearse, 2002). Therefore,in the process of language acquisition, making errors can be seen as a sign of learning.With the cognition that errors are significant and ineluctable to language learning,teachers and researchers gradually put more and more efforts to study learners’ errors andtheir feedback to these errors.

For several decades, researchers in educational psychology and assessment haveconsidered feedback as an important component in students’ learning and developmentalprogress. And researchers recognize that feedback is potentially a powerful tool in thefield of improving student’ learning and reducing the gap between where students are andwhere they need to be as feedback enables students to evaluate their own work andthereby enhancing their self-regulation (Jorgensen, 2019). In SLA, feedback has beendepicted as an essential factor to the process of target language learning and skillacquisition as it plays an important role in maintaining interaction between lecturers andstudents, or between peer students (Hyland & Hyland, 2006). Since opportunities forinteraction are usually limited in an EFL context, such feedback-facilitated interactiontends to be regarded by second language researchers as a major factor contributing to notonly students’ target language development but also extending of their autonomouslearning activities (Hyland, 2003).

1.2 Significance and Objectives of the Study

1.2.1 Significance

The provision of effective and high-quality feedback has been identified as a keyelement of quality teaching, which is well supported by meta-analytic studies, such asAstin (1991), Black and William (1998), Hattie (1987), and Ramsden (2003). Most ofthese studies focus on comparing the effectiveness of different feedback ways, i.e.,written vs. verbal, specific vs. general, group vs. individual. However, results of thesestudies are not quite consistent with each other. One of the reasons can be ascribed to thelacking consideration of students, especially their perceptions and uptake towardsfeedback methods, which has great influence on the research results. Therefore, thisresearch will take students’ individual differences into full consideration from theperspective of student-centeredness. Motivation will be focused as one aspect of students’individual differences to explore students’ preferences of WCF according to theirdifferent types of motivation. This is because that some previous researches have provedthe effectiveness of students’ motivation on their intended efforts, as well as theirpreferences of feedbac