

日期:2022年01月18日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1049
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202201060954496164 论文字数:42522 所属栏目:英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis


Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study

The sixth part “Implementation Suggestions” of English Curriculum Standards forOrdinary Senior High Schools (version 2017) states that “in order to promote teachingand learning through assessment, teachers should appropriately and properly handle therelation between them (2017: 77). ” Specifically, teacher’s feedback is an important wayof assessment. According to the purpose of the evaluation activity and the students’characters, teachers can choose the timing of error correction. Feedback should focus onthe meaningful interaction between students and teachers so as to promote students’high-level thinking and cultural consciousness. Teachers shouldn’t give right or wrong orgood or bad evaluation in a hurry, instead, but to create opportunities for students to makeself-reflection and self-regulation (Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic ofChina 2017).

Feedback is significant in English teaching, which can be divided into positivefeedback and negative feedback (Nunan 1992). Negative feedback also refers tocorrective feedback (henceforth CF), which is a response of teachers to students’ errors(Ellis 2006). In developmental stages of English learning, it is unavoidable that learnersmake different kinds of linguistic errors in an effort to use the target language. In terms ofteachers, their belief in language learning and teaching will have impact on their attitudetoward learners’ errors and thus affect their ‘corrective reactions’ (Chaudron 1986). Thesignificance of errors exhibits in the language learning process, as indicators suggesting towhat extent the language learners have mastered the target language and in what aspects they are in need of help (Corder 1967). Upon the occurrence of linguistic errors, theappropriate way of treating them will greatly facilitate learning; otherwise, theinappropriate way will hinder learning. It is of great importance for language teachers tocorrect students’ errors appropriately. Thus, ‘whether to correct learners’ errors’ and ‘howto correct errors’ become the focus of their attention. Correcting language errors is notonly necessary, but also very helpful in that it can help learners make cognitivecomparison, adjust assumptions, and accelerate the absorption of language knowledge(Mackey & McDonough 2006). Therefore, the importance of CF is greatly highlighted.

1.2 Purposes and Significance of the Study

This study intends to investigate and compare the attitudes to CF in high schoolEnglish teaching between pre- and in-service English teachers. To be specific, the studyfocuses on two purposes. For one thing, this study investigates English teachers’ attitudeto CF from seven aspects, including necessity of CF, types of error, methods of CF, timingof CF, subject of CF, factors taken into account when giving CF and the source ofcognition on CF. For another, this paper analyzes the differences between the attitudes ofthese two groups of teachers to CF and explores the factors affecting the different attitude,which can deepen the understanding of pre- and in-service English teachers on CF, andprovide advice for the future training of pre-service teachers, and enhance theprofessional development for in-service teachers. Through these two purposes, both twogroups of English teachers master how to deal with learners’ errors.

In addition, the study has significance in both theoretical and practical aspects.Theoretically, first, the study enriches the research subjects and the field of CF in seniorhigh school English teaching, making it not only limited to error research, but also addingpre-service teachers as the research subjects and comparing with in-service teachers.Second, this study studies CF of pre- and in-service English teachers, which involvesteachers’ attitudes together with their practices. The results can enrich the theories ofpre-service and in-service teachers’ professional dev