5.1.2 DataAnalysis of the Post-questionnaire.......................................45
Chapter Five Data Analysis and Discussion
5.1 DataAnalysis of the Questionnaires
This chapter mainly talks about the data that collected in this research, whichcontains the data of questionnaires, tests and interviews. There are three parts in thischapter. The first part focuses on the data analysis of the pre-questionnaire andpost-questionnaire in two classes, then the second part discusses the data analysis ofthe pre-test and post-test in two classes. Finally, the data analysis of the interviews isillustrated in the third part.
Aiming to know whether PBL has a positive effect on attitude towards Englishreading, the questionnaires are conducted twice in this research. And the content ofthe questionnaires is the same although pre-questionnaire is assigned before theexperiment and post-questionnaire is conducted after the experiment. Thequestionnaire contains 15 questions, and the questionnaire has three dimensions. Inaddition, the questionnaires adopt the Likert-style questionnaire to score five points,the full score is five, 1 point represents extremely disagree, 2 points represent disagree,3 points represent ambiguous, 4 points represent agree, 5 points represent extremelyagree. The questionnaires of analysis and results are presented as follows.
Chapter Six Conclusion
6.1 Major Findings
Based on constructivism theory and cooperative learning theory, the authorconducts four-month experimental research by applying PBL to the teaching ofEnglish reading. Meanwhile, the research procedures is composed of four stages,including pre-questionnaire and pre-test, the teaching procedure of English reading inEC, post-questionnaire and post-test and interview. After collecting and analyzing thedata of the questionnaires, tests and interviews, the author finally comes to theconclusion that the application of PBL in English reading teaching is more practicalthan traditional teaching method to a certain extent, which can be explained fromthree aspects.
Firstly, the application of PBLin senior high school English reading teaching canimprove students’ English reading achievements. Judging from the results of thepre-test in the experimental class and control class, it is obvious that there is nosignificant difference in the level of reading comprehension between the two classesbefore the experiment. At the end of the experiment, it can be seen that the readingcomprehension achievements of the experimental class is better than that of thecontrol class from the results of post-test, which demonstrates that PBL is beneficialto improve students’English reading level.