

日期:2021年07月11日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:958
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202106290838434297 论文字数:44566 所属栏目:英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
riculum, problem situations need to be created properly.Learners are driven by problems and they work in groups to solve the complicatedproblems. As a way of learning, learners develop learning activities throughcooperative learning so that they can master the knowledge well. In this teachingprocess, learners can acquire basic knowledge and develop abilities. Savery and Duffy(1995) regard PBL as a student-centered teaching approach, which intends to trainstudents’ knowledge integration ability. Teachers provide students with authenticproblems in class so that students can fully interpret these problems from their pointsof view. Similarly, Antonietti (2001) thinks that PBL is not only a learner-centered teaching approach, but also highlights the importance of problem situations during theprocess of learning. Teachers should encourage students to think critically by utilizingthese problem situations, and students are encouraged to work in groups to solve theseproblems and clarify what they already know and what they need to know. Albanese(2010) describes the definition of PBL and its application in the curriculum. Hesuggests that PBL is an instructional teaching method, in which the problem isregarded as a means of acquiring some basic knowledge and clinical knowledge.Savery (2015) believes that PBL is that learners use their background knowledge tointegrate theory and practice, and propose feasible solutions to specific problems.

Table 4-1 The ReliabilityAnalysis of the Questionnaire

Table 4-1 The ReliabilityAnalysis of the Questionnaire


2.2 The Studies on English Reading

2.2.1 Definition of Reading

Reading is regarded as an important means of language input and application,and is of great significance to the promotion of language development. On the onehand, reading provides more opportunity for people to understamd the outside world;and on the other hand, it can strengthen people’s mind and broadens people’s horizon.In recent years, scholars at home and abroad have carried out a lot of studies onreading. The definition of reading is influenced by many factors and has beengenerally developed.

Researches of reading theory firstly probe in the aspect of psycholinguistics.Goodman (1967) regards reading as a “psychological linguistic guessing game”, andit is a positive cognitive activity, which involves prediction, selection, inspection andverification. More importantly, he denies the view that reading is just the process ofidentifying words or phrases. Effective reading does not depend on the accuraterecognition of each word, but relies on whether readers can make correct judgmentbased on the input information. Smith (1971) points out that reading is a process of communication in which information is transformed from speakers to hearers. Inaddition, the readers’ sense organs and existing background knowledge are conduciveto predicting the development of plots during the process of reading, and at the sametime they can verify their hypotheses. Thus, the teaching of reading also developsfrom the perspective of second language teaching theory. Widdowson (1979) holdsthe view that in the process of reading, readers can use the background knowledge ofthe article to interact with the author in depth. In this way, the interactions betweenthe readers and reading texts become meaningful, because readers construct themeaning during the learning process.

Table 4-2 The ValidityAnalysis of the Questionnaire

Table 4-2 The ValidityAnalysis of the Questionnaire


Chapter Three Theoretical Framework.......................................23

3.1 Constructivism Theory..........................23

3.2 Cooperative Learning Theory................................25

Chapter Four Research Design............................27

4.1 Research Questions............................27

4.2 Research Subjects...............................27

Chapter Five DataAnalysis and Discussion................................42

5.1 DataAnalysis of the Questionnaires.....................................42

5.1.1 DataAnalysis of the Pre-questionnaire..