

日期:2018年02月23日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1340
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201512241016195532 论文字数:38569 所属栏目:英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
ous insights into peer feedback’s effects on thewritings of students, the conclusions are inconsistent and there exist some limitationssuch as the small number of participants. Also there are not many effectiveexperimental studies conducted on the application of peer feedback in the collegenon-English majors at different English writing proficiencies.

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Theoretical Basis
In this section, three theories are listed, serving the theoretical foundation of thisstudy. They are the process-oriented writing approach, the zone of proximaldevelopment theory and the collaborative learning theory.From 1960s, the weaknesses of traditional product approach have been graduallyrealized by researchers. In this approach, the end result of the learning process isconcentrated and writing is regarded as being mainly concerned with linguisticknowledge, with the appropriateness of vocabulary, syntax and cohesive devices asthe focused attention (Pincas 1982). The emerging of the process-oriented writingapproach is prompted because of the dissatisfaction caused by the traditional productapproach in the late 1960s and early 1970s and begins to spread in the early 1980swhen researches on it begin.The process-oriented writing approach emphasizes the composing process ofwriting, taking the form of teacher-student interaction in which feedbacks are givenby teachers or student-student interaction in which feedback are provided bystudent-readers. And the composing process is made up of five phrases: prewriting,drafting, providing feedback revising, and final draft, all of which are independent(Zamel 1985). Specifically speaking, the first phrase consists of four kinds ofactivities: brain storming, clustering, rapid free writing and questioning. As for thebrain storming, collecting enough information relevant to the writing topic is asked.There is no necessity to consider whether the information is right or wrong. In theclustering phrase, students are supposed to gather relevant words or phrases with thepurpose of helping those who are not able to describe their ideas.

2.2 Studies on Peer Feedback to English Writing
This part begins with peer feedback’s definition. In addition, studies of peerfeedback from home and abroad are illustrated. Evaluative commentary is put forwardlast in this chapter which contains the training of peer feedback and the grouparrangement of peer feedback.The word “Feedback” originates from theory of engineering systems, used todescribe the system’s feature. Because of this system, information is available to be“‘fed back ’to the input in order to influence future outputs” (William 1998:83). Asfor the EFL English learners, Kulhavy (1977) defines feedback as the procedureswhich are carried out to tell learners whether an instructional response is right orwrong and as the information offered to the writers by teachers or peer students tofind out the errors and improve their writing skills. It can be written or oral, negativeor positive whose form can be comments, questions or the others. And based on thesubject who offers the feedback, it is usually divided into teacher feedback and peerfeedback. Peer feedback is also known as “peer critiquing”, “peer editing”, “peerresponse” or “peer revision” (Keh 1990:296), which refers to “the use of learners asthe sources of information, and interactions for each other in such a way that learnersassume roles and responsibilities normally taken on by a normally trained teacher,tutor, or editor in commenting on and critiquing each other’s drafts in both written andoral formats in the process of writing” (Liu & Hansen 2002:168).

Chapter Three Research Methodology........17
3.1 Research Questions .......17