

日期:2018年03月19日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1397
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201512151035586027 论文字数:38569 所属栏目:英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis

Chapter One Literature Review

1.1 Output Hypothesis Study inAbroad and China
In 1985, output hypothesis was first proposed by Swain, which against thedominant role of Krashen’s input hypothesis as the only need of language acquisition.In the 1970th, Swain proceeded the famous experiment “immersion method”'ofFrench language teaching in Canada. Part of the English speaking students receivedthe “immersion method teaching”in French, that is , they have classes, such asgeography、history、maths, in French. Swain and his colleges make large amount ofstudy of this teaching process. Take six grade students as example, they make acompare between control group and experiment group of their language ability, theyfound that the two group presented almost the same in listening comprehension andreading comprehension. However, the experiment group fell far behind in languageoutput ability, such as writing and speaking. The reason that they have such bigdistances in output ability is that the experiment group mainly receive input teachingwith merely output opportunity. They bore no pressure that came from societycommunication and class requirements, therefore, they did not complete thetransformation of language learning from semantic processing to syntactic processing.In other words,they merely stayed on immersion stage and did not complete the wholeprocess of language learning.In 1985, Swain first proposed the “Output hypothesis” according to the long timeof “Immersion Teaching” experiment. He considered that “Output Hypothesis” hadthree basic functions: (1) noticing/triggering function; (2) hypothesis-testing function;(3) meta-linguistic function. Swain (1995, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2004, 2005)supported these three basic functions through continuous experiment. Soon afterwards,Izumi, S.&M.Biglow(1999,2000) make an experiment about writing and re-writepassages, testing the noticing function of output hypothesis; Dekeyser(1997),Bygate(2001) verified the triggering function; Ellis & He(1999), Nobuyoshi &Ellis(1993), Shehadeh(1999,2001) supported the hypothesis-testing function throughexperiment ; Kowal & Swain (1994), Swain(1995,1998) verified the metalinguisticfunction; Swain & Lapkin(1995), Izumi(2000,2002), Izumi & Biglow(2000) verifiedthe noticing hypothesis.

1.2 Study of Oral Teaching in Universities
Facing with the situation of “Silent English ”, many people studied the currentsituation (Wang Jie 2003; Yue Chen & Li Shuyi 2010; Sun Qianqian & Liping 2010 ),they consistently agreed that the situation of English teaching can not satisfy therequirements from company and their own need to process daily or professionalconversation, and this situation should be solved immediately.Aiming at this situation,further studies devote to search a effective model to promote oral teaching quality(Gao Dexin & Yu Xiujin ). Gao Dexin advocated to make use of internationalenvironment to process oral English teaching. Zhang junying pointed out that oralEnglish teaching should be promoted in the model of multidimensional interaction.Some other studies did experiments to study which kind of teaching method is useful,this kind of study main concentrated on the discuss of task-based teaching method orcommunicative teaching method(Liu Wen2007; Qing Zhiquan& Wang Dingquan2009;Hua Ying 2013;He Wei 2013; Wang Nuan 2013; Zhang Danfeng& Liu Yan2014;Liu Hua 2014; Zhang Danfeng & Liu Yan 2014). According to the studies,conclusions can be made that the study of oral English mainly concentrated on thediscussion of the teaching method of oral English. In recent years, the most popularteaching method are task-based teaching method and communicative teachingmethod.

Chapter Two Theoretical Framework

2.1 Output-driven Hypothesis
In 5 12th, 2007, Wen Qiufang proposed the “output-driven hypothesis” on “FirstNational Directors’Advanced Forum in English Major ” hold in Shang Hai. Then shepointed out in her paper (Wen Qiufang, 2