
挪威水产养殖业论文-挪威渔业管理初探 The Norwegian fisheries management of the preliminary analysis

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1475
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201201181328021065 论文字数:5412 所属栏目:畜牧学论文
论文地区:挪威 论文语种:English 论文用途:职称论文 Thesis for Title

挪威水产养殖业论文-挪威渔业管理初探The Norwegian fisheries management of the preliminary analysis

Abstract: Norway is the one of the fishery power, in this paper, the Norwegian fisheries management patterns are analyzed, and tries to find out for our country to learn from management model, and puts forward some preliminary ideas and suggestion for the fisheries management department reference.

Norway is located in northern Europe, covers an area of 32.4 square kilometers and a population of only 4.479 million, but years landings as high as 200 tons, special landings world top fishery big country, the main reason is that can make full use of the rich coastal fisheries resources, develop efficient fishery automation equipment, complete the fishery resources evaluation, implement strict fishery resources protection measures and management system, and so on, so that the country's fishery resources can stable and sustainable use. Norwegian fisheries and fishery management mode is more advanced, its development and management level in our country are worth learning, research and using for reference.

1 the fishery management mode of Norway

1.1 the comprehensive fishery regulations system

Norway Marine fishery has almost one thousand years of history, in the long time development, recognized fishery legislation, rule of law fishing the important meaning. So the fishery legislation earlier, fishery regulations more comprehensive. The fishery regulations of numerous, can is divided into the following categories:

(1) the Marine fishery resources protection regulations

Such as "the whaling method", "the trawl fishery law", "hunt seals method", "12 sea fishing activity act, the fishermen registration and identification method", "the fishermen registration registration act", "about the provisions of the fishing", "fishing the participation method", "the exclusive economic zone method", "foreign fishing boats in Norway exclusive economic zone fishing method", "to prevent pollution and row waste ordinance, the Marine fishery law", "the port and waterway regulation", in addition, it also issued the mesh method ", "the fish to catch standards", "the mutually open and close the time", "special the mutually close", and so on.

(2) breeding and regulations

Such as "the freshwater fish fish disease prevention and control ordinance, the relevant fish hatched the structure, equipment, farms establish and expand ordinance, the fish shellfish breeding method", "the fish disease prevention law".

(3) aquatic product quality control and sales regulations

Such as "the fish method", "the fish product export regulations", the aquatic product quality control act, the processors regulation law ", "fish and aquatic products export law

Can see from this, Norway in its long-term fisheries management has formed a comprehensive set of fishery regulations system.

1.2 sound fisheries management administrative system

Norway in 1964 established the fisheries, is the earliest established the national fisheries. Norway's fisheries department in charge of fishery administration, under the fisheries administration, the state fisheries bank, fishermen guarantee, Marine research foundation, Marine food export committee, the Norwegian fishing and breeding research institute and other departments. Its main function is responsible for national Marine fishing, aquaculture, fishery resources protection, safety, Marine scientific research, and the coast fish product quality, export trade, fishery legislation and fishery capital of the specific management. The main aim is to establish a profitable and sustainable fishing fishing and aquaculture fishery; Followed by in Norway coast area have set up the security and economic environment of the maritime traffic safety environment.

In addition, in order to strengthen the maritime law enforcement efforts, and also to adapt to the 200 nm exclusive economic zone, to carry out the law and regulations and monitoring foreign fishing boat, Norway in 1977 established the coas