(一)约翰福音中对耶稣基督的隐喻在《约翰福音》中多次出现了针对耶稣基督的隐喻,如在树林中父亲对孩子说道“You will be awesome,you will change the world,you life is going to be incredible”。火车在奔驰中说道“Only god had saw it fit for us to be in the same room,in the same car,for such a time as this”。当火车来临前曾提到“You think god doesn’t know where you are?He keeps one eye on his world and one eye on his child.No matter what you’ve done or where you’ve been”。在发现自己的孩子掉入大桥轨道下后,提到“God the father has to make a choice.In this time,do i save the son?or do i save the world?”之后,为避免更多人的伤亡,“He gave his only son.For god so loved the world that he gave!”面对火车上人的不理解,伤心的父亲并未感觉到不值得,而是认为“It doesn’t matter.God gave his son,for you”。在描述火车上的吸毒女时,引用对白表达了“My god he did it for me!he did it fou me.”的语句。