1.1 Introduction
As the wind of globalization is stirring up an English mania around the world, now an increasing number of people can speak English to some level of competence. Specifically, there is such a shift in the use of English that non-native speakers (NNSs), those who have another native tongue than English, using English for international communication have come to outnumber its native speakers (NSs) during the last two decades. Crystal (2003) even estimates that by 2060 NNSs will outnumber NSs by 50%. This has prompted non-native/non-native (NN/NN) English interactions‘ turning into a major topical field of research. With an increasing number of multinationals making English their corporate official language, NNSs need a full understanding of the communicative strategies used in NN/NN interactions if they want to be successful in doing international business—first and foremost, the communication accommodation.
For a long time NNSs have been ―belittled‖ as imitators of NSs (Flege, Bohn, and Jang, 1997). However, with the development of an interactional approach with regard to NN/NN interactions, it has been proved that NNSs focus more on successful communication with other NNSs from different backgrounds through various communicative strategies. Among these strategies an important one is communication accommodation. By accommodative strategies, people change their communicative behavior towards or away from their interlocutors. Previous studies, within a bigger picture of ELF research, touched upon NN/NN communication accommodation but were only restricted to approximation strategies, or more narrowly, convergence. Besides, none of them focused on NN/NN accommodation in business interactions. Thereby, the present study will break such restrictions by probing into all the accommodative strategies utilized in the specific context—NN/NN business interactions.
1.2 Rationale of the present study
This study, from a pragmatic perspective, is conducted to sort out the accommodative strategies employed by NNSs in business communication. On this basis, the paper intends to figure out how these strategies can affect NN/NN business interactions and how NNSs differ in the adoption of these strategies. The selection of the present study is triggered by the following three major reasons:
First, international business practice calls for such research. For one thing, NN/NN interactions are playing increasingly important part in the international business world. More and more non-English businessmen are doing business with each other in their special communicative ways, in other words, in ways different from those used by native speakers. For another, accommodation skills are one of the important skills in successful international business interactions (Gerritsen and Nickerson, 2009; Kank