

日期:2018年02月28日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2358
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201802280958578597 论文字数:43652 所属栏目:商务英语论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis



1.1 Overview

As the reform and opening policy greets its 37thbirthday this year, China is enjoyingrapid economic development and now ranks as the second largest economy in the world.Since globalization keeps gaining momentum nowadays, international communication isbecoming more and more frequent. Hotels, which play indispensable roles in providingaccommodations to people traveling no matter for business, tourism or any otherpurposes, are boosting world-widely both in quantity and density. When deciding whichhotel to stay, travelers, especially those who are physically far away from theirdestination, often tend to resort to internet to look for needed information in the officialwebsite of hotels; therefore, hotel introductions becomes vital in both forming favorablefirst impression in potential customers’ minds and motivating potential customers’consumption. Due to this reason, in recent years scholars at home and abroad havedeveloped interests in conducting researches on hotel introductions. Based on thefindings and implications of studies done by previous scholars, this thesis takes theintertextual perspective and tries to make a comparative study between Chinese hotelintroductions (hotels in mainland China) and English hotel introductions (hotels both inAmerica and Britain) written in native language. Through probing comparatively into theintertextual patterns embodied in Chinese and English hotel introductions, this studyattempts to reveal the similarities and differences of intertextuality in Chinese andEnglish hotel introductions and to find out the cultural factors which lead to thesesimilarities and differences.


1.2 Rationale and Significance

The motivation to conduct the present research on intertextuality can be attributed to the following two reasons. Firstly, in this age characterized by globalization, cross-culturalcommunications take place with a great frequency all over the world; however, hotelintroductions in different cultures often exhibit various differences which may causemisunderstandings in non-native speakers. Thus, doing research on hotel introductions,especially a comparative analysis between Chinese and English hotel introductions,deserves our attention and efforts. Secondly, though hotel introductions have been studiedfrom perspectives such as translation, genre and critical discourse analysis, there is nocomparative study of intertextuality in Chinese and English hotel introductions.Intertextuality is a universal feature of all texts. Hotel introduction, as one type of texts inbusiness area, is certainly no exception. But are there differences of intertextuality inChinese and English hotel introductions? If so, what are they and how are they generated?These questions have aroused our interest in conducting this comparative research.

The study is of both theoretical and practical significance. Theoretically, it makescontributions to enriching the theory of intertextuality. Since its birth, the theory ofintertextuality has been applied to analyze literary courses such as novels and poems aswell as non-literary discourses such as news report and advertisement, also there arecomparative studies in terms of intertextuality conducted on discourses including newstitles, university introductions; however, up till now there is no comparatives study ofintertextuality on hotel introductions, thus this study can be regarded as an initial attemptwhich can fill the gap for the very first time and hence enrich the practice of the theory.Practically, the significance of this study can be examined from the perspective ofdraftsmen and readers of hotel introductions. The present study presents respectivecharacteristics of intertextuality in Chinese and English hotel introductions, throughwhich the functions of each intertextuality type, the differences and similarities betweenChinese and English ones, as well as the underlying causes