

日期:2018年07月23日 编辑:ad200901081555315985 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:3429
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201601182210538425 论文字数:1273 所属栏目:商务英语论文
论文地区: 论文语种:English 论文用途:本科课程论文 BA Termpaper

1.0Introduction 介绍

影响一个国家发展的因素是多方面的。因此,有必要对罗马帝国的兴起和衰落进行研究,可以从历史上得到一些重要的教训。历史可以看作是近代社会经济发展的一面镜子。本文将研究罗马帝国的历史。由于古罗马帝国的资料不完整,研究可能由于缺乏必要的数据而受到限制。本文将详细研究罗马帝国的发展,为世界现代社会的发展做出贡献。There are many factors that can influence the development of a country in the world. Therefore, it is necessary to do a research on the emergence and downfall of the Roman Empire to get some essential lessons from the history. The history can be seen as the mirror of the development of the society and economy in modern times. The paper will study the history of the Roman Empire. Due to the materials of the ancient Roman Empire are not so complete, the research may be limited by the lack of some necessary data. This paper will study the development of the Roman Empire in detail to contribute to the development of the modern society in the world. 

2.0The development of the Roman Empire开发的罗马帝国

2.1The emergence of the Roman Empire
The emergence of the Roman Empire in the history can be attributed to several reasons. The development of the economy and politics in the world has promoted the emergence of the Roman Empire in the post-Republican period. The government that headed the emperors was powerful at that time(Andy,2003). In the first century BC, the civil war has led to the emergence of the Roman Empire. The purge in the senators was also a factor to the formation of the Roman Empire in the history. By the final period of the republic country, the Roman city has gained the most proper place to develop itself to dominate the whole republic. In the history, at that time, the Roman city is the biggest city all over the world. The prosperity of the Roman Empire benefited from the great advantages in geography(Auangesty,2003). The large population of the Roman Empire could also be one of the factors to the fast development of the Roman Empire(Cramerll,1999). The law enforcement and the governance of the Roman Empire also has benefited to the prosperity of it. In the year of the AD 64, the reign time of Nero has caused the detriment of most parts of the Roman city, which has also promoted to the new development of the Roman City, which is one factor promoting to the emergence of the Roman Empire(James,2013). 
2.2The downfall of the Roman Empire
There are many factors that can be used to explain the downfall of the Roman Empire. In the end of the 4th century, the Western Roman Empire fell down in 500 years(Areny,2005). The historians in the world have continued to study the Roman Empire history for a long time. There are 8 main reasons can be employed to explain the downfall of the Roman Empire. First, the Barbarian tribes have invaded the Roman Empire(Armstan,2001). The Roman Empire hassome fights with the Barbarian tribes, which has led to negative effects on the economy and society of the Roman Empire. The fights have diminished the power of the Roman Empire to some degree. There were also some troubles in the economy and the slave labor’s overreliance that caused the downfall of the Roman Empire(Ditton,1996). Economy is the most important element of the development of a country. It is the fundamental factor of the prosperity of the Roman Empire. The fast development of the Eastern Empire is also an essential factor that caused the downfall of the Roman Empire(Bent,1989). The split of the western and the eastern Roman Empire has promoted to the decline of whole Roman Empire(Jammes,2006). The overspending in the overexpansion has consumed most of the materials in the Roman Empire, which led to the fall declining of it to some extent(Gallen,2003). There were some corruption and instability in the government and the politics. The Huns and the Barbarian tribes also have caused the downfall of the Roman Empire. The loss of the common values and the values in the Christianity were also the factors causing to the downfall of the Roman Empire(Beaker,2002). The Roman legions have come to an end with all the comprehensive factors. 
2.3The lessons in the development