

日期:2018年02月24日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2839
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201507011757308972 论文字数:4260 所属栏目:商务英语论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:本科毕业论文 BA Thesis



International business negotiation is an important part of conducting a foreign trade. It is the dealings between supplies and customers in order to reach an agreement on the prices, quantities, payment and other terms and conditions of a sale. Obviously, the conclusion of sales contract results from the business negotiation to the satisfaction of both sides.
Through the business negotiation, it’s important to change the relations and ideas between both sides so that reaching the purposes. Business negotiation should base on the needs of both sides and seek the process of common interests. During this process, in order to negotiation’s success, each party is eager to meet their direct and indirect needs, and also must attend to the other's needs, because only such negotiations can eventually succeed. This paper discusses about the definition and features of business negotiation, the functions and the process of negotiation, the items for attention, and the skills of how to use strategies and gain mutual benefits.

Key Words:  International business negotiation, contract, common interests, items for attention, skills. 

摘    要



Introduction 1
1. The overview of Business negotiation 1
1.1 Definition and characteristics of Business negotiation 1
1.2 Importance of Business Negotiation 2
1.3 The Basic Principles of Business Negotiation 2
2. The General Procedures of Business Negotiation 3
2.1 Beginning stage 3
2.2 Negotiable stage 4
2.3 Transaction stage 5
3. Items for attention 5
3.1 Etiquette and language expression 5
3.2 Culture’s differences 6
3.3 Focus on interests, not positions 6
3.4 Other items 7
3.4.1 Be prepared 7
3.4.2 Never lie 7
3.4.3 Beware of the trap of good cop and bad chop 7
3.4.4 Never narrow negotiations down to one issue 7
4. Skills of business negotiation 7
4.1 Language skills 8
4.1.1 Unobjectionable manner 8
4.1.2 Use the favorable and affirmative language 8
4.1.3 Be flexible 8
4.1.4 Ask questions 8
4.2 Build the relationship and trust 9
4.2.1 Build the relationship 9
4.2.2 Build the trust 9
4.3 Understand the needs 9
4.3.1 Understand the needs of your “adversary” 9
4.3.2 Know what your needs are 9
4.4 Other skills 10
4.4.1 Be patient 10
4.4.2 Own your power 10
4.4.3 Be an emphatic listener 10
4.4.4 Quit while you are ahead 10
4.4.5 Balance must be concessions 10
4.4.6 Seeking win-win opportunities 11
4.4.7 Keeping your emotion 11


1. Min Geng, Guangfen Meng, English for Business Negotiation, Beijing: Beijing Institute Of  Technology Press, May 2009
2. Gejia Qiu, Guojun Yang, Win-win English for Business Negotiation, Beijing: China International Broadcasting Press, Sep 2006
3. Liyu Zhang, Practical International Trade, Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, 2008
4. Yuzhang Wang, English for International Trade, Tianjin: Tianjin University Press, 1998 
5. Jinglun Han, Theory and Practice of International Trade, Tianjin: Nankai University Press,2001
6. 王海云,《商务谈判》,北京:北京航空航天大学出版社,2007年03月。  
7. 潘肖钰、谢承志,《商务谈判与沟通技巧》,上海:复旦大学出版社,2008年01月。
8. 王平辉,《商务谈判规范与技巧》,南宁:广西人民出版社,2008年01月。
9. 杨晶,《现代商务谈判》,北京:中国人民大学出版社,2009年版。  
10. 付春雨,《商务谈判》,北京:化学工业出版社,2009年版。

Conclusion 11
References 13