

日期:2018年08月25日 编辑:ad200901081555315985 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2666
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201502052213544502 论文字数:60120 所属栏目:商务英语论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
finition of thisbook, it is easy to conclude that ESP is a variety of English which is used in a certainspecialized occupations. Hutchinson and Waters (1987) deem that ESP is an approachto language teaching in which all decisions as to content and method are based on thelearners’ reason for learning. Meanwhile, the two scholars summarized three mainreasons for the emergence of ESP. Firstly, the expansion of demands for English to fitparticular needs (science, technology and economy). Secondly, the view gainedground that the English needed by a special group of learners could be identified byanalyzing the linguistic of their specialist area of work or study. The last one is thedevelopment in educational psychology which focuses on the critical importance oflearners and their attitudes toward learning.To find out where business English fits in ESP, it is important to know theclassification of ESP. In fact, there are two main methods to divide ESP .One popularmethod was done by Hutchinson and Waters in 1987. They divide ESP into EST(English for science and technology), EBE (English for business and economy) andESS (English for the social science) according to the general nature of the learners’specialism, and then each variety can be further divided into EAP (English foracademic purpose) and EOP (English for occupational purpose).Jordon (1997) divides ESP into EAP and EOP within EAP which can be furtherdivided into ESAP (English for specific academic purpose) and EGAP (English forgeneral academic purpose). Business English is one of the important branches of ESP. But it is different fromother varieties of ESP in that general content and specific content are concerned in it.The general content concerns with the general ability to communicate in the businesscontext, while the specific content is related with a particular job area or industry.Pricket (1989:5) proposes the view that Business English is “a mediatinglanguage between particular business context and daily life and the language ofgeneral public”. Ellis and Johnson (1994:3) perceive that “as with other varieties ofESP, Business English implies the definition of a specific language corpus andemphasizes on particular kinds of communication in a specific context”. Wang(1997:1) defines BE as the English used in business situation which is a variety ofESP. According to Zhang & Li (2004:11), as a branch of ESP, Business English is akind of standardized English including a broad range of content in business activities.Zhang (2007:406) makes a definition of Business English, which involves “theteaching of system of strategic communication in social and economic domain ofinternational business in which participants, adopting/adapting business conventionsand procedures, make selective use of lexicon and grammatical resources of Englishas well as visual and audio semiotic resources to achieve their communicative goals”.Through various definitions of Business English mentioned above, we canconclude that those definitions speak volumes for the interrelations between businessand English. In a narrow sense, business English is a kind of language variety in thebusiness context. And in a broad sense, business English is conceived as a crossed andmarginal subject of English and business disciplines. In this study, we adopt thedefinition of business English in a narrow sense.

2.2 Curriculum Design
Curriculum design is the fundamental approach