

日期:2018年02月26日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:3081
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201502032029201573 论文字数:72112 所属栏目:商务英语论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
hors described and accounted for some remarkable parallelisms in thelinguistic construction of utterances with which people express themselves in differentlanguages and cultures. In this book the authors proposed the concept "Politenessprinciple,,which is another great contribution to the euphemism study after theirprevious idea “Face theory" (1978). And for both of them, we will have a furtherdiscussion in latter Chapters. The year of 1991 witnessed another masterpiece of booksabout euphemism --Euphemism and Dysphemism : Language Used as Shield andWeapon. Allan and Burridge coauthored this book,in which they closely studied the‘ linguistic, social, and psychological aspects of this intriguing practice and they coveredmany forms that euphemisms can harness, from acronym to circumlocution, fromhyperbole to understatement, metaphor, as well as technical jargons.In China, the researches of euphemisms are also in blooming prospect. In 1989,Shu Dingfang published his JVei Wan Yu Xin Tan (1989). In this paper, the authorexplores the fundamental principles governing the principles of euphemisms, and thebasic characteristics of euphemism expressions. The author also proposes that besidesthe cooperative and politeness principles, there are still more principles at work ininterpersonal communication, namely, the self-protective principle. Four years later,LiuChunbao worked out his Ying Yu Wei Wan Yu Ci Dian (1993 ) ? It gave a comprehensiveand detailed description to English euphemisms. In 2001,Cong Liating's Ying Yu WeiWan Yu Xiang Jie Ci Dian (2001) became one of the most famous knowledge baseddictionary of English euphemisms.There are also many researches about English euphemisms in business English. In2005,Chen Yarning's Guo Ji Shang Wu Ying Yti Zhong Wei Wan Yu De Yu Yong GongNeng (2005) based on politeness principle, combined with business case studies, provedthat euphemism is a very important pragmatic strategy in international communication.In 2010, Tang Heng's Shang Wu Ying Yu Zhong Wei Wan Biao Da Fen Xi (2010) statedthat Euphemism is not only an important part of the trade terms, but also a skill to wincustomer in business competitions. The same year, in Li Birong's Lue Lun Shang WuYing Yu Zhong De Wei Wan Yu (2010), the author summarized that euphemism is apragmatic strategy with systematic differential, circuitous and developmental features;euphemistic expressions varies according to different time and circumstances; usingeuphemism could help to create a friendly communication atmosphere,so as to achievethe desired business purposes.

Chapter Three Theoretical Framework of the Research  ....... 11

3.1 Cooperative Principle ......... 11

3.2 Politeness Principle  ........ 12

3.3 Indirect Speech Acts Theory ........13

Chapter Four Applications of Euphemism in Business Negotiations". ........17

4.1 Significance of Euphemism in Business Negotiations   ..........18

4.2 Euphemistic Ways in Reminding Others 20 Chapter Five Applications of Euphemism in Business Letters........ 30

Chapter 7 Important Considerations of Euphemism inBusiness English

7.1 Avoiding Taboo
The word “taboo’’ could be traced back to Captain James Cook (1728-1779). Mr.Cook,a British sailor,landed Tonga Archipelago during his voyage of exploration insouthern Pacific Ocean. There he noticed a strange accustom, people always avoidedusing several particular words which would only be used by some privileged people,these words including gods, kings, monks and sheiks. If ordinary people ventured tospeak of such words, they would be supposed to be punis