
International Business Negotiation:商务英语谈判多模态语言分析

日期:2018年03月01日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:3019
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201305152005298776 论文字数:21900 所属栏目:商务英语论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:本科毕业论文 BA Thesis
the other terms of the negotiations, so that the negotiating parties to achieve greater efficiency. (C) attitude attitude of the speaker in the language communication devoted to subjective feelings or objective attitude. The subjective attitude involved, away fr om the observer, participant of power and equality, and objective attitude reflected in the action-oriented and knowledge-oriented. Significance for the assessment of the level of language, a whole reflect the speaker's subjective feelings or attitudes, business negotiation should show "Help" instead of "confrontation". Therefore, the use of the language media, it should be noted that the wording of the language, the other person that the negotiations, the two sides work together to solve the problem, is a win-win situation. Example 3: A: Let us put our heads together to try to find outw hether that we can not modify your plan to meet both the of our objec - tives.B: Ifwe work together, I amsure we can the find a so-lution tosatisfyboth ofus. [9 ] In Example 3, wh en need each other proposed changes, with a first-person "I", would seem to speak the blunt tone the subjective is away fro m the position of the observer; replaced by "we", the speaker showed a willing to get involved in jointly adopting an approach in order to avoid a confrontation. In the the nonverbal expression level, when negotiations on the other side of the conversation neutral, tend to make the rise of the action, an observer wishes expressed in action. Usually As the conversation continues, the rise of the posture will remain, only occasionally gently nodded a participant power and equal willingness, expressed in action. If the other head is carried high, chin protruding, it shows a strong, fearless, arrogant attitude, expressed willingness to not wish to engage. Example 3, the negotiators B to listen A statement at the same time, gently nodded, A seems the other, at least in the observer's point of view, but through understanding of the discourse of B, A is not difficult to see that B is converted by the observer into the roles of the participants, thereby enhancing the determination of both sides should actively participate in the negotiations to reach a win-win. And other multi-modal discourse mode, Business English negotiation discourse is constituted by including language and non-verbal variety of symbol systems, various symbol systems synergistically together to achieve meaningful to express and communicate with each other. 


 In addition, in the Business English negotiations should give full play to the role of interpersonal function, negotiators need to be aware of each other using a variety of language and non-verbal symbols to express, and respond adequately to achieve interactive multi-modal business negotiations the interpretation of the meaning, thereby increasing the likelihood of success of the negotiations, and is conducive to the formation of a good long-term relationship.