

日期:2018年03月30日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1454
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201212061515569866 论文字数:40000 所属栏目:商务英语论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis


Xie Tianzhen oncesaid “at present, literary translation occupies a tiny territory in the translation industry, and themarginalization of literary translation is inevitable. Such practical documents as science and technology,commerce, entertainment and media tend to be the mainstream in the present translation practice” (ZhangWentao, 2009: 44). Based on the foregoing explanations, a conclusion can be soundly drawn thatnon-literary translation rather than literary translation enjoyed a lion’s share in the translation circle atpresent. In spite of great importance in practice, non-literary translation still remains immature intranslation theory.

Firstly, non-literary translation has been attracting the academic attention in recent years, but ingeneral, the attention has been concentrated on specific techniques and empirical or functional uses. WengFengxiang (2007:18) pointed out “most of the scholars who are bent on translation studies in the academiabase their studies on literary and linguistic theories. While in the studies of English for Special Purpose,science and technology translation has been lucubrated.” The systematic translation theories that can guidenon-literary translation in practice are yet to establish. There is no doubt that most of the achievements inthe study of literary translation can be applied in the practice of practical translation. However, non-literarytexts have some unique features. For instance, it follows some formalities and uses some jargons; thetranslators in this field have to take into consideration other requirements of their clients and bosses as wellas printing and makeup of the translation. The delusion that the insufficient recognition of the importanceof non-literary and its theory makes it quite embarrassed for non-literary translation to be promoted on thetheoretical basis, which is unfavorable for reflecting and strengthening the great significance of non-literarytranslation in the international political, economic, scientific and technological exchanges. As a result, that“bilingual talents” fail to translate non-literary texts and that “interesting” versions increases dramaticallybecome a matter of common occurrence, which really is a funny but pity phenomenon in the presenttranslation sphere.
Secondly, linguistic theory has been in evolution for many years with its focuses shifting fromphonetics, phonology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics to discourse analysis, text linguistics and genreanalysis (Bhatia 1993,1995) then to many interdisciplinary subjects combined linguistics and othersubjects. It is obvious that linguistics research turns from microcosmic to macrocosmic. However, on thewhole, the perspective of linguistics research still remains bottom-to-up. Similarly, many researchers intranslation field conducted researches on translating (especially on pragmatic, literary form) with focusturning from lexicon and sentence to text or other macro-respects. That is to say, they just choosetranslation unit in a bottom-to-up way, but not really adopt the mode of up-to-bottom. Whereas, linguisticsdiffers from translation studies: the research methods, theories and findings of linguistics are notexclusively designed for translation studies. Therefore, adopting models of linguistics and other subjectsblindly cannot solve the fundamental problems of translation studies. For this reason, Snell-Hornby(1988:35) puts forward that translation mainly focuses on the understanding and reconstructing of the textrooted in specified social and cultural backgrounds. She held the view that translation study should formtranslation model, theory and method according to its characteristics mentioned above, that is, translationstudy should be up-to-bottom, which is contrary to linguistics study.

Chapter 2 Literature Review文献综述

2.1 Studies on Text Typology文本类型研究
With the d