My ultimate goal is to run my own international media company based in a dynamic city in China. With its accession into the WTO and the bidding success for the 2008 Olympics, China is bound to offer more opportunities for individuals wishing to open cross-border businesses. My company would produce and supply TV programs, websites, magazines and CD-ROMs worldwide on China’s fashion and digital technology developments so as to build the image of a “young China”, breaking the traditional view of China as an old, conservative and mysterious country. My learning experience with the MBA program will hopefully help my company achieve high profits and reputation.
Such aspirations require both the experience I already possess and the education I wish to gain from an MBA program. My past training, however, has not prepared me to deal with the broad strategic issues faced by executives. I need concentrated general management education and leadership development to help me effect a transition from a training professional to visionary business leader. MGSM’s rigorous MBA program will give me a thorough understanding of how to lead an organization while sharpening my managerial ability in the context of strategic planning, organizational design, and global competition.
Also, with its strong alumni network and high reputation, the MGSM will provide me with incomparable career opportunities. The complex and diverse challenges presented by this program are beneficial to a successful business career and will help me reach my future career goals.
I am confident that my background, commitment, drive and psychological readiness will make my MBA study at the Macquarie Graduate School of Management a success.
这是一篇申请MBA相当成功的PS,虽然比较长,但由于可读性较强,我相信任何一位录取官员都会耐心读完. 首先,通篇流露出来的是一种自信, 虽然她申请的是亚太地区最好的商学院之一:MGSM,她并没有像普通中国申请者那样:陈述如果被录取她会怎么样,而是从MGSM可以为她带来什么角度去分析,非常有说服力,同时,也证明了申请者对于这个项目是做了充足的了解的. 其次, 申请者的语言功底比较深,不仅简练,而且有美感. 实际上, 读PS的人同时会看英语是母语的申请者写的PS, 从英语为母语的角度来讲, 语言本身有时比文章的内容还要重要, 所以光有好的想法要申请最好的研究生院是远远不够的,这就是为什么如果自己的语言功底不够,要请专家来指导的原因. 另外, 申请者对于她花了一些笔墨来描绘近期和