Explain why you chose your current job. How do you see your career developing over the next five years. How will an MBA assist you in the development of these ambitions?
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Explain why you chose your current job. How do you see your career developing over the next five years. How will an MBA assist you in the development of these ambitions? Sometime in January 2001 I was told that a pitch effort I’d put together had been unsuccessful. Sage, the UK’s largest software house had decided that they would not be appointing Domino Systems to redevelop their websites because I and the 24 year old colleague I’d worked with on the pitch were ‘too young’. Sage’s marketing managers ‘would not feel comfortable presenting us to their directors’ and that was that. I was livid. A year earlier I had carried out usability engineering on Tiny Computers online store that had helped increase sales from £4000 a week to over £100 000 a week. I’d provided consultancy to Cisco on how best to launch new products online. I was one of only five consultants busy helping Fujitsu Siemens Computers sort out it’s post merger, pan-European web presence, I deserved better than to be told I was too young. More than that, I wrote in a furious email to my managing director, I was not young. I was a veteran of the world wide web, I remembered text only browsers, I had installed Mosaic 1.0 onto my college computers, because of my fathers background in academic computing email had been a fact of life for over a decade for me. I had spent three years solving the kind of problems Sage had asked us to address, in an industry that was only five years old that was good going. In his book ‘Ogilvy on Advertising’ David Ogilvy relates how one of the vice presidents of Ogilvy and Mather owed his success to going grey by the age of thirty – at the time I thought it was funny, re-reading it it didn’t seem that way anymore. A few weeks later the same colleague and I were presenting to BP. We recited, with grim ferocity the litany of our achievements, feeling for the first time that we might not be judged solely on our merits. In the event BP loved our work and we secured the most prestigious client Domino have ever worked for, but the Sage experience had shaken me. The above anecdote explains a lot about why I chose my current job, and why I feel the need to take an MBA. Domino Systems is a web agency providing IT and marketing consultancy, online brand development, creative executions and technical development. Among other things we helped build Dell’s European e-commerce operation – which turns over more than $6 million a day, and provided the world’s fastest results service for the World Rally Championship as part of our work for the Subaru team. When I joined Domino we built websites, the past three and half years have given me the opportunity to watch a company grow, struggle and ultimately transform itself. I like that about my job. I also like the fact I am given responsibility, and trusted. I may have lost the Sage pitch, but I was trusted to go out a few weeks later and pitch to BP Amoco. If we won the work I was going to be the one to do it, and so the only question about whether or not I pitched was whether or not I had the confidence to do it. I like the fact that I am asked to solve problems, and I like the variety of problems. As I write this I have the following questions to answer by Christmas --- How can Automobiles Inc convince their employees to use their under-utilised intranet? --- How can Automobiles Inc use their intranet to communicate the repositioning of their brand to their employees? --- How should Kitchens R Us, a retailer of luxury kitchen appliances best allocate it’s limited online budget? --- How can the internet help Unknown Computers effectively enter the PDA market which Compaq has managed to dominate in just six months? These are the kind of questions I like working with. They give me a chance to exercise my mind and address big issues. When I joined Domino these were not the kind of questions we were asked, but I was allowed to pester our clients with suggestions and ideas and in time I became the f